Hi there,
My side effects only lasted for the first week & you have to weigh up pros & cons of being overweight vs the side effects (non dangerous of course!) I actually now set an alarm at 4:30am each morning to take my tablets & find that helps balance sleep and energy levels throughout the day. As I'm now only a few kgs overweight I find it very hard to get a prescription, so if you do stop taking them, I would love really to hear from you! It's actually depressing on the flip side to find something that works so well, but not being able to continue taking them once you get the weight off. I would find even 5mg a day would probably help me to maintain my goal. I hope you get through it!
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I fell off the wagon for a week or so and I gained weight then I kinda spiralled but I've been at the doctor today and he has started me on duromine again.

Current weight is 113.8kg

So I took it at 830 this morning had a yogurt and went off to the doctor.

I had a god awful juice for lunch with
Lime and coconut water.
Struggled through it as it was totally disgusting. I bought a NutriBullet and it came with a recipe book so I'll muddle my way through it and figure out what I like. It's actually really good because it has different recipes for different health needs.

Anyway at the doctor I found out I have a slightly fatty liver and an autoimmune thyroid. I'm not over sure what that all means but he wants a blood test again in 6months. Blood sugar and cholesterol was all good

I got hungry in the afternoon so I had a handful of cashews and then had steak and vegetables for dinner.

My son and I did a 10 min tabata together he is only 7 so that was hilarious and now I'm done for the day!!

I'm determined to stick to it this time and the dr said he wouldn't take me off duromine until I got under 100kg
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Is Dee still about? I cant find her thread
Tryingtolosethechub said:
Is Dee still about? I cant find her thread

here you go I can do this!
will write more about your other post a bit later. Cheers! =) Happy you're back!
Tryingtolosethechub said:

I fell off the wagon for a week or so and I gained weight then I kinda spiralled but I've been at the doctor today and he has started me on duromine again.

Current weight is 113.8kg

So I took it at 830 this morning had a yogurt and went off to the doctor.

I had a god awful juice for lunch with
Lime and coconut water.
Struggled through it as it was totally disgusting. I bought a NutriBullet and it came with a recipe book so I'll muddle my way through it and figure out what I like. It's actually really good because it has different recipes for different health needs.

Anyway at the doctor I found out I have a slightly fatty liver and an autoimmune thyroid. I'm not over sure what that all means but he wants a blood test again in 6months. Blood sugar and cholesterol was all good

I got hungry in the afternoon so I had a handful of cashews and then had steak and vegetables for dinner.

My son and I did a 10 min tabata together he is only 7 so that was hilarious and now I'm done for the day!!

I'm determined to stick to it this time and the dr said he wouldn't take me off duromine until I got under 100kg

Ok, finally I can sit, relax and write to you. =) Again, I’m glad you’re back and decided to start it all over again. That doctor of yours… he wants you to keep coming back to him with the same weight so that he prescribes you Duromine? Place a couple of bricks in your pockets next time and take it when you need it, without gaining weight back, ok? =))

Yikes! That juice… you’re a strong person, you know! I would probably “accidentally” spill it and have a cucumber instead. =)) I am not that strong. Never could talk myself into drinking or eating something that makes me faint just at the thought of it. =) Hope you’ll find some good recipes and will continue this story in an enjoyable mode.

Did your doctor give you something for your thyroid? Any hormones? Glad blood sugar and cholesterol are at a good level. Means, you have a good base to turn it all to a healthy side.

Oh, I am sure you enjoyed the Tabata session together! =)) keep it up! Have fun and enjoy the process!

That doctor of yours… if something happens, just take that brick of your pocket and…

=)) take care

No he didn't give me anything for the thyroid just said we would check it again in 6months. Both my mum and sister have thyroid problems so it really didn't surprise me.

Yes the juice it was rancid but won't make it again! I made one this morning and that was actually good

Haha I think bricks may be a little obvious maybe ankle weights or something. He has this weird scale that's not electronic it's manual. Anyway that scale says I weigh 104.5 but my digital bathroom scales say 113 so I'm going to go with mine. They can't be that off lol

I'll check back later in the day

Welcome back :laughing:

I used to do juicing but im one of those that struggled with all the veggies mine was fruit plus some veggies... not so good... too much fruit so I stopped... so if you get a nice yummy veggie one you have to share and I will try it... I used to just make mine up LOL hence too many fruits;)

I love that your son did tabata with you

Wishing you all the best.... I look forward to your next update now that you are back :laughing:
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Day two of my second attempt

I woke up at 7 and had a juice smoothie thing for breakfast. It was actually good !
It was:
1/2 banana
1/2 avocado
1 cup pineapple
And coconut water

Dropped my son at school and came back and did 20 mins of Zumba - I suck! But was dripping with sweat do it must have done something.

Banana and around 1030 because I got hungry.

Lunch I had tuna and brown rice.

I've done 10 mins of stomach exercises and 10 mins of squats and planks. I went for a 15 min walk before dinner also. It was way too hot to go any further than that and my walk was crazy hilly!

Dinner I really wasn't hungry so I just had a small bowl of soup and I have had like 2 litres of water today. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow just to make sure I'm on track!!
Tryingtolosethechub said:
Day two of my second attempt

I woke up at 7 and had a juice smoothie thing for breakfast. It was actually good !
It was:
1/2 banana
1/2 avocado
1 cup pineapple
And coconut water

Dropped my son at school and came back and did 20 mins of Zumba - I suck! But was dripping with sweat do it must have done something.

Banana and around 1030 because I got hungry.

Lunch I had tuna and brown rice.

I've done 10 mins of stomach exercises and 10 mins of squats and planks. I went for a 15 min walk before dinner also. It was way too hot to go any further than that and my walk was crazy hilly!

Dinner I really wasn't hungry so I just had a small bowl of soup and I have had like 2 litres of water today. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow just to make sure I'm on track!!

Hey! Now that was a delicious breakfast smoothie! And so rich in nutrients, wow! I am sure you enjoyed it. =)

20 minutes of Zumba is great for a start. Don’t worry! You will develop stamina and tone your muscles. Then, it won’t be a problem for you to go on and on. Besides, you also made other exercises and a walk, so the total physical activity for the day is rather a good one. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder for that! Well done!

Looking forward to your weigh in… on the other hand… are you sure that it’s not too soon? Either way, have a great day!
I thought it may be too soon but remember when I first started on duromine and the first week I did minimal excercise and only lost like 1.2kg or something. I was curious to know how much the difference was given that I have Ben exercising far more and too my surprise I have already lost 2.2kg, it's just water weight but was nice to see that 111.2 on the scales
Oh wow! Congratulations! In fact, I was hoping you will manage to cope with those kilos you gained recently, after stopping Duromine. So fingers crossed on that and hope you will get back to 108 very soon. I have to say, you’re doing really well!!! Keep it up and don’t turn from this road. You have the direction and the vehicle. Wrrrroooom it! =0))) take care
Day 3

Got on the scales this morning and weighed 11.6 so I'm down 2.2kg

I went for an hour walk this morning and then came home and had a yogurt for breakfast.

Lunch I had a chicken and salad roll, funnily enough I was hungry when I had lunch but after I ate I was hungry?! Lol Dinner was a chicken salad.

I haven't had any side effects since starting duromine again so that's good!! I'm sneaking in a nap like everyday for half an hour coz I'm so tired but that's ok, it's not affecting my sleep at night !
April said:
Oh wow! Congratulations! In fact, I was hoping you will manage to cope with those kilos you gained recently, after stopping Duromine. So fingers crossed on that and hope you will get back to 108 very soon. I have to say, you’re doing really well!!! Keep it up and don’t turn from this road. You have the direction and the vehicle. Wrrrroooom it! =0))) take care

I'm feeling good this time around. I know what to expect from the duromine and I'm sticking at it so I'm fairly confident I'll be ok!
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Day 4

It has been such a miserable day today!! I had a piece of toast for breakfast and a banana and for lunch I had a boiled egg and a bit of salad. Dinner some tuna and salad.

I only did a light workout today as my muscles are a bit sore! And the weather is horrid so there was so way I was going for a walk and getting saturated/blown away haha.

Hopefully the weather is better tomorrow, feeling very lethargic today but I might see if I can squeeze in a round of tabata or something before I go to bed
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Dayyyyy 5!

I feel terrible today, so lethargic and sore and I have had a dull headache almost all day.

I had a banana for breakfast, tuna and rice for lunch and some mince, veg and pumpkin for dinner. I went for an hour walk and that was about it. 2 more days until I weigh myself again and I'm excited to see the results but wishing I wasn't feeling like I've been trampled by an elephant and not slept for 4 days because of it!!
Day 6

Pancake for breakfast and ham cheese sandwich for lunch.

30mins - 10km on the cross trainer - so sweaty!!!

Dinner was chicken and veg

After dinner I did another 5km on the cross trainer.

I'm hoping my weigh in tomorrow will be at 110kg. And I've set my first mini goal for 100kg- but I haven't put a time frame on it lol maybe by my birthday!!! I didn't write anything about yesterday because it was uneventful - I didn't cheat and I did go for a walk tho
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Just a quick little update. I weighed myself this morning and was 110 even. I've just gotta lose 2 more kg and it's like the time I had off never even happened!!! I just did 15 mins on the cross trainer and I'm off to aqua aerobics now. I'll write more this afternoon
Tryingtolosethechub said:
Just a quick little update. I weighed myself this morning and was 110 even. I've just gotta lose 2 more kg and it's like the time I had off never even happened!!! I just did 15 mins on the cross trainer and I'm off to aqua aerobics now. I'll write more this afternoon

Hey there! Sorry you had a bad day, and still you didn’t give up! That’s great! Way to go! Even with a headache, you did your best to exercise, and 1 hour walk is a good thing to do.

And congratulations for your hopes becoming a reality! 110! Congratulations! Yep, just 2 more kilos and you’re at the weight you ended up last time. So, the moment you see 108, start working a bit harder, eating a bit healthier, just to give a good kick start to another level of your weight loss progress. =)

Aqua aerobics. It’s a fantastic thing for weight loss and body modelling. If you can continue doing it regularly, you will be more than pleased with the changes you will notice in your body! Keep going! You’re doing great! Have a wonderful day!
Hi! How do you feel? What did your doctor tell you? Any news on your weight loss goals?

Hope, you are doing well and will give some hints about your health and overall condition.

A nice week to you!

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