Wow, DuroClaire!
I'm watching your progress and it is impressive! You are a fighter;)
Very happy for you, tell us please - does this type of posting results in the thread actually help you?
I find it easier to see the actual results when they are posted accurately here. Thanks for sharing! Go girl!:cool::)
Hi guys
So I started on duromine 30mg mid October. I took 1 pill went away forgot my pills which was a huge bummer bottom line I started again on the 31st of October.
SW: 90.1 kg
CW: 88.6 kg
GW: 70 kg
Next goal target 87 kg.
Week 5 done!

SW: 80.3kg
Height: 161cm
CW 76.1 kg
GW: 65kg

Total lost: 4.2kg

Goal for November: More exercise!
I only have 3 tablets left of my first script.
I went to the Dr on 11.10.16 and got my first script and I was put onto their body fat analysis scales.i went back today for another script and to go on the scales again.
I've gone from
93.4 to 87.3
My body fat hasn't really changed
43.5% to 44.2%
Fat mass was
40.7kg and is now 37.7kg
But I've unfortunately lost 3kg of muscle mass
Now I'll have to minimise cardio and increase weights!
Pretty happy with a weight loss of 6.1kg I. My first month!
Definitely keen to see what the difference is with going back to weight training!

Hope everyone else is happy with their results too!
Sorry my body fat has gone from 43.5% to 43.2%
Week 6 done!
CW: 73.0kg
GW: 65kg

Total lost 7.5kg

Increasing the exercise has helped! Over the moon with my results so far :)
Saw the doctor this morning and he is pleased, advised that I can start taking every 2nd day now.
SW: 99.4kg
W1: 96.0kg (-3.4kg)
W2: 94.2kg (-1.8kg)
W3: 93.2kg (-1.0kg)
W4: unable to weight in re: away. However I weighed myself during the week and I was 94.8kg (+1.6kg). I also are badly for 2 days this week.
W5: 92.0kg (-1.2kg since week 3)
W6: 93.1kg (+1.1kg) (-6.3kg total)

Has anyone else gained weight some weeks or had plateaus? I'm not sure if it's still working for me as much as it was. I was expecting that to happen later in the 3rd month but not this early. My weight increased and hasn't budged in 10 days (I haven't lost size either). Disappointed that my weight has increased this week but I've still lost 6.3kg overall in 6 weeks and I'm really happy about that.
Hi Happy R
I really enjoyed reading your post.
I just started today at 75kg day went well but headache now.
I wish you well on your journey and thanks also for mentioning what you eat it has given me ideas.
I look forward to your posts.
Hi michele . F wow I never got a notification about your response, only seen it now, glad to be of assistance and add to the motivation going.
currently I have lost 8kgs in total and 1 and a half months in :) I haven't take Duromine for about 5 days due to a bad flew and antibiotics, don't think the two would be a good combination.

But looking forward to getting better and jumping back into gym and diet Ect,

But otherwise no bad comments on Duromine, it gets easier and side effects such as dry mouth fade after a while, only slight issue I have had recently is insomnia as I work at night and it is recommend to take the tablet early in the morning, I will be setting a early alarm to wake me up to take tablet in the morning before 8am that should do the trick.

Energy levels have been up.
Also I don't totally avoid carbs as they play an important role in our diet , I try and avoid oily and sugary things as much as I can, and just eat as healthy as possible my gym/fitness hasn't been the best it can be but going to make more of an effort there as soon as I've kicked this nasty flew in the butt.

How has everything been with your experience you're about 2 weeks in now?

Look forward to hearing from you xx
Michelle.F said:
Hi Happy R
I really enjoyed reading your post.
I just started today at 75kg day went well but headache now.
I wish you well on your journey and thanks also for mentioning what you eat it has given me ideas.
I look forward to your posts.
Remember to hydrate might help with the headache x
Good effort mate.. hoping to see more from the guys on here..
Im starting friday.. on 40mg..
Need to shred about 15kgs..
Hey im looking for a Dr in Melbourne who prescribes Duromine?? Any help???
I didn't realize duromine goes up 40mg? I thought it only comes in 15mg and 30mgo_O
Yes, 40mg is the biggest dose, rarely prescribed. Usually, doctors prescribe it if the smaller doses don't work.
Hi everyone new to duromine feeling a little weird cause I have no side effects I'm a nurse from brisbane do silly shifts and don't eat much at all but when I do its at weird hours lots of walking am 104kg hate water but have given up all fizzy drinks and cartons of ice coffee is that weird or is just me ???
Andy80 said:
I'm on 15mg and have lost 2.1kg. It's not a lot in my eyes it but I'm hoping slow and steady wins the race. Side effects have really been very minor.

Hey Andy, it’s been 7.5 months since you started your Duromine journey. How’ve you been? Did you manage to lose weight? How long did you use Duromine? Any experience matters.. Hope you managed to get to your weight loss goal and are keeping to a healthy eating plan and daily physical activity.
Hi everyone or no one if that is that case!

I am 26 years old 172cm and 116.2kg. I have struggled with my weight since having my child 7 years ago. Prior to this I was never more then 70kg. As with most of us I have tried so many different things but the weight just kept piling on and on and on. On Tuesday 14th Feb I was feeling seriously depressed and being Valentine's Day feeling like no one wanted me due to my serious weight gain. I decided to go to the doctor at this point and she prescribed me duromine 30mg this is the start of my journey. I started on Wednesday the 15th Feb and this is how I have been doing it:

Day one - 116.8
Duromine at 0730 with a yogurt
Went back to sleep for 1 hour
Lunch at 1200 tuna and rice
2 litres of water
2 chops and veg

Day two
Duromine at 0730 with yogurt
Lunch at 1230 tuna and rice
Dinner quinoa, rice steamed veg
Gym 20 mins

Day 3 116.2
5km walk
0530 duromine back to sleep for 2 hours
Lunch 1400 tuna and beans
Dinner taco mince and 2 tortillas

Not hungry on this day

Day 4
No exercise
0730 duromine
Lunch ham cheese and pickle s/w on multigrain bread
Handful of almonds
Steak and steamed veg
I have a big headache today it has been there all day, my sleeping hasn't been the best either but I'm hoping to catch up on that tonight. I'm thinking I need to go get something with caffeine in it to get rid of the headache !
So today is day 5 it's been easier I think!

Day 5
Duromine at 730
Breakfast- yogurt
Lunch - tuna and rice
I got really hungry about 500 so I had a coffee and that filled me up
Had dinner at 700 tuna, beans and couscous (don't know how to spell it)

No headache today but I have a pain in the back of my jaw that's been throbbing all day...could be wisdom teeth tho.

No exercise but I'm going to get back on it tomorrow!! Eating is good tho so hopefully that has an effect on my weigh in on Wednesday!!

Day 6
i woke up late and had duromine with a yogurt at 0800 this morning.

I drank heaps of water today but felt so dehydrated and light headed.

I went for an hour walk with the dogs and then had a small lunch at 1200 - can of tuna and beans.

I was a bit naughty and had a drink with a colleague after work AND IT MADE ME SO SICK. I've had two coffees today as well in comparison to my usual one. Oh well

I'm just getting dinner ready now baked chicken steamed veg and mashed potato. I'd normally skip the carbs but I'm going to have them tonight because I don't feel well probably due to the lack of food.

So all in all today I haven't been overly hungry but I have been dehydrated, light headed a little bit nauseous and really really emotional. Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I'm a bit worried that I'll see no result. I think if I don't I will feel like I want to give up but hopefully it will be ok!

Anyway I don't know if I'm eating right!! But if this helps anyone that's great
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Hey I found your post... :laughing:

Sorry to read your valentines day was so bad :( I hope once you loose your weight (because you will) that if any of those people become interested in you because of the loss boot them to the curb and tell them they cant touch that and find someone who loves you for you x

Wow congratulations on eating so well!! and your getting some exercise in... water is very important, I use a plastic drink bottle as its 600ml as my guide of how many I drink a day the headache could either be sugar or caffeine withdraws I had them both in the past when ive changed my diet I found just a mouthful or 2 of coffee a day for about a week helped me get thru that hard period and keep the headache away

woo hoo your first weigh in day... o_O

I hope the scales show you a weight your happy with:)...but remember if not.....dont get down or let it put you off just change your focus to next week... thats if you haven't seen a loss, our weight fluctuates so much and it could be a day that its up....Try to give your self a good 2 weeks to see a loss ....I weigh daily but use the 7 days as a guide and 2 weeks as good guide and monthly as a reality check and I expect at the end of 3 months to see a be honest I cannot see the weight I have lost... but if i let that get to me I could give up.... I should say I can see a little but expected allot more...

I do know I have made changes those changes are good and just like not being able to see that weight creep on maybe we cant see that weight drop off so after 3 months I expect to see a difference... we will do it if we stick at it... as they say it wont happen overnight but it will happen :laughing:

I will be back later lurking for an update LOL

Haha you wouldn't believe it but I got the guts to do my weigh in this morning and my scales don't work! I'll update tomorrow after I buy some new scales lol
I lost 1.6kg I know it's now heaps but I'm feeling motivated! After all I am only on day 7 today and I've hardly exercised, next week will be better.

New weight is 114.6, still a big number but I'll just keep middling through
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