Lidz said:
Thank you! Would you believe I don't actually own scales! So that's my way of preventing me weighing myself from happening:) I can't believe you are getting so much sleep, that's awesome for you. I think I got about 4ish light hours- apparently it'll get better for me. Enjoy the next week, I hope it keeps on getting easier and more exciting for us both, x

Oooh! Were you due for a weigh in this week Lidz? How'd you go? :)
Man I wish I was getting that much sleep! Yay for weight loss though! What dosage of Duromine are you on? How much weight do you have to lose?
Visivixen88 said:
Man I wish I was getting that much sleep! Yay for weight loss though! What dosage of Duromine are you on? How much weight do you have to lose?

Im trying to stay positive and think that yep, a 0.5kg loss IS still a loss (especially when compared to losing nothing!) but was a little bit disappointing after a great first week! I seem to be very lucky with the sleep, but that does make me wonder if its not working as well as it could be for me, but of course, such a small loss could be due to anything, so Im not too worried. Im also hoping that a slower loss might help me keep the weight off better in the long run :laughing:

Im on 30mg and would like to lose 20kg eventually (not expecting to lose that on D, but hoping I will continue to lose afterward) Im really just wanting to use Duromine as a jump start to my weight loss. My first goal weight is 80kgs. I started at 94kg, and as of today am 89.4kgs - thats almost a quarter of my total loss goal! Ive tried very hard over the last 12-18 months to lose weight, and short of starving and exercising myself into the ground, nothing moved the KG's, so Im happy so far with the result :)

Thanks for checking in! xxx
AliMcBealEatAMeal said:
Im trying to stay positive and think that yep, a 0.5kg loss IS still a loss (especially when compared to losing nothing!) but was a little bit disappointing after a great first week! I seem to be very lucky with the sleep, but that does make me wonder if its not working as well as it could be for me, but of course, such a small loss could be due to anything, so Im not too worried. Im also hoping that a slower loss might help me keep the weight off better in the long run :laughing:

Im on 30mg and would like to lose 20kg eventually (not expecting to lose that on D, but hoping I will continue to lose afterward) Im really just wanting to use Duromine as a jump start to my weight loss. My first goal weight is 80kgs. I started at 94kg, and as of today am 89.4kgs - thats almost a quarter of my total loss goal! Ive tried very hard over the last 12-18 months to lose weight, and short of starving and exercising myself into the ground, nothing moved the KG's, so Im happy so far with the result :)

Thanks for checking in! xxx

I only lost 0.4kg in the second week, the first week is always the biggest loss then it'll go down to a pretty normal loss. I'd be worried if I lost 3kg a week, its not healthy lol. Yeah I'm using it at a kick starter too, I'm not sure if I'll do it for a full 3 months , will see how I go.

I'm a Dad and sole parent of two awesome little boys (dear wife died of cancer last year and need to loose the 20+ kg added by all the stress!).

Week 1
I've been on 30mg for 1 week and lost 3.4% body weight (or 3.5kg). Not a massive loss but I'm just happy the weight is going in right direction. The game changer for me is not so much the weight loss, its the change in mind set. I feel in control of my eating again. I haven't had any bad food this week and haven't even felt like I needed a beer (trust me this is a revelation!!)

On average I consume 1000 calories each day, which I know is probably a bit low, but at the moment the body is fine with it.

No real side effects, other than on day one when I really felt like I should have been at a dance party sucking on chubba chubs and waving glow sticks, rather than being at work. Must say I had a very productive day though. Had to check the pupils in the mirror as I was getting a bit paranoid that my colleagues might be getting suspicious.

Otherwise the side effects have been surprisingly good - no sleeping issues (other than sick boys sleeping in my bed and coughing in my face all night), some dry mouth, no imminent feeling of a heart attack, pretty much all normal other than a low appetite.

The goal for week 2 is to keep loosing a little each day and start ramping up the weights and exercise.

Bring it on!

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Welcome! Finally another man in town :)
Very sorry for your dear wife, but life goes on and it is so great that you found strength to struggle with excess weight this time. Your little boys will say thank you, I am sure! Sounds like you're doing all right (your 3.5 kg / week loss is great, although you don't think so). Good luck to the next week and wish you no side effects at all! ;)
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Hey Lego, as an old 90s clubber myself, your description of the first day hits the nail on the head. It was my first day on 40mg yesterday (I don't know why the doc gave me such a strong dose), and the clubbing analogy was spot on, although it felt more like the day after, than the night before, if you know what I mean ;).

I took my first tablet at work at 10.30am yesterday and was quite spaced out for the day, and proceeded to sleep for only 4 hours (very lightly). I have taken today's tablet at 7.30am and feel much better, so will hopefully get some exercise going by the end of the week.

I'm a 43 year old father of one, current weight 110kg, target weight sub 95kg. Will let you know how I get on.
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Lego said:

I'm a Dad and sole parent of two awesome little boys (dear wife died of cancer last year and need to loose the 20+ kg added by all the stress!).

Week 1
I've been on 30mg for 1 week and lost 3.4% body weight (or 3.5kg). Not a massive loss but I'm just happy the weight is going in right direction. The game changer for me is not so much the weight loss, its the change in mind set. I feel in control of my eating again. I haven't had any bad food this week and haven't even felt like I needed a beer (trust me this is a revelation!!)

On average I consume 1000 calories each day, which I know is probably a bit low, but at the moment the body is fine with it.

No real side effects, other than on day one when I really felt like I should have been at a dance party sucking on chubba chubs and waving glow sticks, rather than being at work. Must say I had a very productive day though. Had to check the pupils in the mirror as I was getting a bit paranoid that my colleagues might be getting suspicious.

Otherwise the side effects have been surprisingly good - no sleeping issues (other than sick boys sleeping in my bed and coughing in my face all night), some dry mouth, no imminent feeling of a heart attack, pretty much all normal other than a low appetite.

The goal for week 2 is to keep loosing a little each day and start ramping up the weights and exercise.

Bring it on!


Haha your first day was what I felt the whole first week! Congrats on the initial weight loss, that seems to be around the same as everyone else's I've read, my second week dropped to just 0.4kg with no exercise then week 3 I've dropped 0.9kg with exercise so I'd definitely recommend getting exercise in where you can.
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Visivixen88 said:
I only lost 0.4kg in the second week, the first week is always the biggest loss then it'll go down to a pretty normal loss. I'd be worried if I lost 3kg a week, its not healthy lol. Yeah I'm using it at a kick starter too, I'm not sure if I'll do it for a full 3 months , will see how I go.

Oh dear, sorry sweets, I didn't see this message from you! A loss is a loss I say! How's it going? x
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Well, the end of week 3 and I FORGOT TO WEIGH MYSELF! :) I've weighed a day later and to my surprise I've lost 1.2kg this week. I wasn't expecting that, as I naughtily weighed myself a few days ago and weight is up 0.4kg from that, so just assumed I'd had a gain this week, until I checked my last weight. That's a grand total of 5.6kg in 3 weeks and I'm super happy with that :p

I still have had no side affects (except the tiredness - whyyyyy?!) and appetite is good. Still eating less than I normally would, which is good too. Im trying to exercise a bit more this week to get back into the habit. Interval training on treadmill and sit ups, push ups (I suck!) legs etc. I made a deal with myself that I can can only watch TV / movies on computer if on treddy, and that's enough incentive for me at the moment. Trying to incorporate sit ups etc when watching regular TV. Just close door and take my time. Began to think it might not be worth it, but my loss says otherwise! Can't wait to see what the next week brings :laughing:
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Wow! 5kgs in 3 weeks!! You must be stoked! I've lost 3kgs in 2 weeks from 97.5 to 94.5, weigh in on Monday for my wk 3 results. I've been getting tired this wk too, in the arvys! That's great you are back to the 80s too!! I can't wait to see that on the scales and then work my way down through them :)
Good luck sorry to hear ur loss
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Tan said:
Wow! 5kgs in 3 weeks!! You must be stoked! I've lost 3kgs in 2 weeks from 97.5 to 94.5, weigh in on Monday for my wk 3 results. I've been getting tired this wk too, in the arvys! That's great you are back to the 80s too!! I can't wait to see that on the scales and then work my way down through them :)

Thanks! I'm pretty happy with the results. 3kg in 2 weeks is excellent too. Did you weigh in today? How did you go? x
Visivixen88 said:
Awesome results! Exercise definitely makes a difference. Keep it up!

Thanks lovely! I've been beyond exhausted the last few days So haven't got around to much exercise (except tennis Thursday and yesterday) and slept for 13 hours last night. Jeebus. What's going on!! Will try to get back into it this week if/when this tiredness leaves :eek:(
AliMcBealEatAMeal said:
Thanks lovely! I've been beyond exhausted the last few days So haven't got around to much exercise (except tennis Thursday and yesterday) and slept for 13 hours last night. Jeebus. What's going on!! Will try to get back into it this week if/when this tiredness leaves :eek:(
AliMcBealEatAMeal said:
Thanks lovely! I've been beyond exhausted the last few days So haven't got around to much exercise (except tennis Thursday and yesterday) and slept for 13 hours last night. Jeebus. What's going on!! Will try to get back into it this week if/when this tiredness leaves :eek:(
Try to eat more lean protein. Your body needs fuel and if you do not eat enough that may be the reason you are feeling so tired.
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Audrey3 said:

Try to eat more lean protein. Your body needs fuel and if you do not eat enough that may be the reason you are feeling so tired.

Makes sense, as Ive not eaten much in the way of protein (and some days probably still not enough full stop) Will try upping it to see if it helps - Thanks! x
Audrey3 said:

Try to eat more lean protein. Your body needs fuel and if you do not eat enough that may be the reason you are feeling so tired.

Think you may have been on to something re: protein... I was craving baked beans today, of all things, and its not something Id usually eat! Steak for dinner last night, but not sure if Im not as tired today or its had a placebo effect on me?! Thanks for the suggestion! x
End of the first month:

I've lost another 1.2kgs this week, making a total of 6.8kg over the last 4 weeks, and I am stoked with that! No exercise this week, aside from tennis, because I was just too exhausted. I also have to remember to keep my calorie intake up, but Im not doing too bad. Not sure if Ill take any more D, but I think for now Ill see how I go without it. Exciting, and scary!

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