kazzbah said:
Awesome results Ally! Keep it up :)
Thanks darl, as soon as I started to see results I settled down a bit, and not be so impatient.
But when it comes down to it, it's been 20 yrs off unhealthy eating and lifestyle to change and turn around. I need to remind myself that any loss is a great effort.
I'm trying not to be so focused on weight loss too. (In saying that, I don't mean I'm eating badly, just that, it was primary focus for the 1st month, my mind was on overdrive regarding food-only eating fresh & healthy, I needed that though, otherwise I wouldn't have kept going.
I haven't eaten take away/ fried food for 5 weeks now and really do feel better for it. (Don't crave for it either, the still eat the occasional Maccas, but I don't even pinch a fry. (I'm pretty impressed, as with someone who had no self control what so ever, has it under control) yahooooo!!!!
It's funny iam the same Ally. I have no desire for take way fatty food. My mind is set to be healthy.
Great work girls keep it up!!!
That was meant to say, the kids have maccas, and I don't pinch a fry.
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Wow Ally R that's an amazing loss & Tarme fantastic loss... I'm loving Duromine 15 mg my weight loss so far end of week 10 is 14.5 kg.. Be-ann welcome to the journey .. Wishing you all a lighter scale at the end of your week :)
Anything I shouldn't have either....
Aaarrrrhhhhh - so frustrating , no weight loss last week and I stupidly just got on the scales and I have put on 1 kg ... :-(
Feeling like I want to give up but that's the old me - Just another hurdle to jump right !
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Nessa 22 dont give up ..it's just a bump in the road ..try and stay focused ..the Duromine does work ..please stay motivated read the others bloggs it really does help :) Could be a million reason why your weight was up eg water retention, hormonal your clothes ..try and only weigh once a week same time same day and same clothes ...I hope this helps:)
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Ally same here I'm not interested in take away food, it's 11 weeks now & considering we use it out at least 3 times a week it's amazing lol :p... I actually like my own cooking again and the occasional weight watchers meal :) Yes I have to remember to it's been years of bad eating so it is going to take time cannot rush this gotta be patient ;)
Thanks shellyisme- was just a little disappointed . But I have taken my tablet this morning and eaten , I'm
Not going to let this get the better of me :) these blogs are so helpful and everyone is so supportive . Thank you :)
It's great to read how everyone is going. We all have to remember that some weeks will be good and some not so good!
I would have loved to lose all the weight really fast, but being 40 when I started, I was concerned about loose skin at the end... I mean losing 35% of my total body weight, it was bound to happen, but I hoped if I did it slow enough, it would minimise that outcome. Well, I've lost 24 of the approx. 37kgs I want to lost and whether I have minimised the damage, I will never know.
I am going to end up with some lose skin, but I'm sure it could've been worse.
Anyway, my point, 24kgs in 18 months, is not fast by any means, but every loss is a loss and sometimes I've had a gain, then then next week it seems a huge loss, so when the scales tell me something I don't like, I just ignore them!
Keep on going, you'll get to where you need to go.
I think a big problem for a lot of people is they get to a point and their doctor won't prescribe to them anymore and they completely fall off the wagon.
Just keep on slogging away day by day, we'll all get there eventually.
So i started duromine 40mg 1 week ago. At first i had trouble sleeping didnt sleep at all the first 2 nights then got 2-3 hrs sleep the 3rd night but now i am sleeping all night.
only other side effects i have is a dry mouth which is fine. I dont have any extra energy and am still really tired.
In a day i eat a banana for breakfast, grilled chicken for lunch and lite jelly for tea. I drink 6 x 600mls bottles of water a day.
I have a knee condition so exercise is hard but i do what i can.
In 1 week i have lost 6.2kgs my starting weight was 116.9kg and today im 110.7kg now if i could lose this every week i would be skinny in no time lol
6.2kilos in a week? That's amazing! Hopefully you can manage that in each week!! Haha
BigMamaPlus3 said:
6.2kilos in a week? That's amazing! Hopefully you can manage that in each week!! Haha
:laughing::laughing::laughing: Please don't flatter yourself too much! Six kilos per week is not always stable, the first week - yes, it's predictable because of the water loss, but later you should be ready to get not as much weight loss as this, just to not feel down and disappointed. Put realistic goals, even a kilo per week and once you achieve it, put another one and another.... Little cheat huh? ;)
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Starting stats
Age: 29
Weight: 126.3Kg
Height: 171cm
Start Date: 2/11/2014

My Story,
I have struggled with my weight for the past ten years. I was a very athletic person until I had a major injury. Things snowballed from there. Had one health issue after another and three kids. My weight just kept going up. I have previously lost weight but seem to hit a wall at ten kilo.
I went to my Dr a few months ago about my weight. It had started effecting my mental state. I thought my hubby was embarrassed to take me out and I had lost all my confident. I just wanted to lock myself away. When he first mentioned it I said no. I was scared to take it. He told me to come back in a month if I hadn't lost any from doing it the traditional way. In that month I invested in a trainer. Four sessions a week plus a gym membership costing me $220 every week. In that month I lost 800grams. I was heart broken. I still didn't go to the Dr for another couple of months.
I went to the Dr Thursday 30th Oct and Started that Sunday.

My diet this week.
My diet has been very little. I tend to have a optislim shake for breaky and lunch. I also try to have a piece of fruit. I have young children so I always have dinner with them. I don't want them thinking not getting is okay. I have a very small dinner low in calories and always very clean. I have been having a min of 3L of water a day too.

Symptoms so far:
NONE!!! Well sorry I lied. None that you hear about most the time. The tablets haven't given me any extra energy. Infact it has made me really tired. I thought it may be the detox and decrease in food but a week in and there is no improvement. I notice the tablets don't last the whole day either. I start coming down at about 1pm (Take my tablet at 6am). My Dr said he will increase me to 40mg if this doesn't improve. The main reason we wanted to use the tablets is to help with my fatigue.

I am a day short of a week and I have lost 3.5 kilo. I weigh every day and lost no weight for three days this week. I assume its because I had my monthly friend.

Anyways that's it for now. Would love to hear all your stories too.
first official weigh in this morning and have lost 1.5 kgs. :p:p:p
I started on 25 mg for 5 days and only increased to 30 mg yesterday. Most side effects have either gone or reduced, strangely I had my first really good nights sleep last night on the 30 mg.
Goals for the week to come are to drink more water, reduce portions, and increase protein.
I'm going to hold off the exercise for another week, allow my system time to get accustomed to the effects of the medication and focus on the food/fluid side for another few days.

Hope everyone is having a good week
Congratulations, Leah!
First results are always exciting! Yours are great.
Keep up the good work!
was a bit premature with the weigh in...didn't realize it was TTOM..weigh in this morning 89.2 so 3 kilo loss on day 9..:p:p:p

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