I feel really defeated at the moment and have been teary eyed the last few nights when messaging my boyfriend. We're both busy with work and Uni that we haven't seen eachother properly for weeks. I keep crying because I feel that he's avoiding spending quality time with me, even though he's voiced that it's because we are on completely different schedules.

During said cry session this evening, I messaged him and told him we needed a break (WTF!!, I don't 'do' breaks) -- and good one dickhead, let's fix distance by giving eachother even more distance. I brought up everything that has been troubling me lately, like how much pressure I am under with Uni, and how much I hate being fat and he's saying that he is there to support me -- yet he doesn't make plans to see me. Then I just blew up and cried and cried.

Am I being completely nuts and paranoid?

Period is not due. I had it a week ago. I don't get PMS'y either, ever.

Is it the Duromine?

I feel that I am still being myself, but not having him around really upsets me. I am really worried about us now and don't want this depression session that I'm in to wreck my relationship.

In saying that, this is not the first time I have asked to spend more time with him. Pre-Duromine, we've been down this road before.

Anyway, weigh in tomorrow morning. Hoping to see some light at the end of this tunnel.

FB xx
Firstly - ***big hugs*** breath.. everything is going to be alright. Take a day off uni if you can afford the time. If you are studying full time perhaps down grade to part time? You are trying to accomplish alot all at once my dear, and something is bound to give way one way or another. So allow yourself a little more ME time, which also opens up more US time with your partner aswell. As far as your relationship goes - let him know you do not want time apart. It could very well be the duromine contributing - feeding your insecurities. If it is too much look into 1 dose per 2 days or asking the dr to halve your dose? Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Communication is key in any successful relationship. So talk to each other, regularly. - make sure you still plan dates and be present in that moment. You will be ok darlin.. :)
Booty said:
Firstly - ***big hugs*** breath.. everything is going to be alright. Take a day off uni if you can afford the time. If you are studying full time perhaps down grade to part time? You are trying to accomplish alot all at once my dear, and something is bound to give way one way or another.

Thank you so much for listening. I really don't have anyone to talk to about my issues lately. I have such a great group of friends, all who seem to be really doing well for themselves. I'm here at 26, haven't even finished my studies, no money saved for a future and 20kg overweight. I really am in doubt about my own future, and I feel like I am bringing my partner down with me.

As for my Uni, I am in my final 3 weeks of a 7 year degree. I am doing part time, there is just a phenomenal workload and so much pressure to pass. My work schedule is pretty messed up too. I work shift work, so day-to-day it changes. I would take more time for me from work, but then I don't get paid (being a casual).

I don't need anybody's sympathy because I can only blame myself for how I am today. I just feel the lack of support from my partner is really getting to me. He said a few things that hurt my feelings last night too, telling me how I always need to be pushed to get anything done. He doesn't understand... I am doing the very best I can right now. I only just had surgery 2 months ago and I am still going to physiotherapy fortnightly. Just because he can't see the pain, it doesn't mean it isn't there.

I try and plan things with him, but he can never commit because he just 'doesn't know' when he will be free. He will message me at 9pm when he is already out with friends and ask me to join them for coffee. He slides me into these 2 hour windows, often when I am already at home and just want to get to bed after work. Why doesn't he utilise this spare time and just drive over to mine and stay for a few hours? Well there's another thing... it's like he is avoiding being alone with me. Then he says he is too busy with Uni, and the argument goes around in circles.

I will cut down on the Duromine. I forgot to take it this morning which was probably convenient. It's only 30mg. I can't remember being this shit when I was on 40mg. On 40mg, I was perfectly fine.

I did not sleep at all last night, which is weird because every other night thus far, I have slept like a baby.

Again, thank you for listening. I am sure I will look back on this in 3 weeks and laugh it off.

And the weigh in for Week 3:


1.2kg down since last week.

FB xx
fetbetch said:
And the weigh in for Week 3:


1.2kg down since last week.

FB xx

That's awesome, keep up the good work:)

Sounds like your having a rough time, maybe it is the Duromine. I read a lot of reviews before starting and there were quite a few guys saying there girlfriends were moody and emotional. One made me laugh, he said do not go on duromine if you are in a relationship. Maybe time to just be completely honest with your boyfriend, let him know that the medication might be changing your mood and you need his support and understanding. I get pms, so warn my family when I'm due for my period so they know to tread lightly or I will bite there head off lol. Organise your schedules so you can have atleast one date night, even if it's just a home watching a movie. You need to stay connected.
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fetbetch said:
And the weigh in for Week 3:


1.2kg down since last week.

FB xx
Awesome Work!!! We weigh the same! high five. Duromine can really make you feel shitty and depressed its one of the many side effects. Be strong for yourself! and think of how amazing you are going, keep it up okay! Take some time out for YOURSELF. You need to be able to enjoy life for yourself, you need to remember that.

You're doing this for you and your doing fantastic! You can't rely on other people for all of your happiness and content. Start loving yourself no matter how you look or who you are, and be happy and content with it. You really do have to be happy and content with yourself before anyone else can be happy for you. People like confident, independent individuals. You CAN be that!

You seem like such an honest and open person, keep being you! you're amazing and I'm so proud and happy that you're down to 76.3kg. Its so easy to gain weight, but it can also be so easy losing the weight. You just need to be focused and willing to do so! Believe in YOU!

Good luck FB!

xx T.
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Bringingskinnyback said:
That's awesome, keep up the good work:)

Thank you!

I probably need to cool it for a while. Maybe being on my own for a bit would be better for him too. We haven't spoken this morning, feels odd given that this is someone who I have spoken to every morning for the past year.

That aside, I need to do what's best for me too.

TallieAllie said:
Awesome Work!!! We weigh the same! high five. Duromine can really make you feel shitty and depressed its one of the many side effects. Be strong for yourself! and think of how amazing you are going, keep it up okay! Take some time out for YOURSELF. You need to be able to enjoy life for yourself, you need to remember that.
xx T.

Thanks Tallie! I appreciate your messages so much and I'm so glad I have others alongside me that can relate.

FB xx
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Hi all, I took a couple of days off the duromine. I have eaten some heavy meals, but I am not going to punish myself for it.

I really need to get moving and exercise. I have hardly found the time, given I am nearing the end of Uni and I have assessments literally coming from out of everywhere! Ahhhh!

I started back on it this morning...Man, you can really tell the difference from the dry mouth and your normal mouth.

I noticed that I have a really itchy nose. Like on the tip, not up my nose. Side effect? Not sure haha. I keep itching it and it looks like I am picking my nose.

I hope everyone is well.

FB xx
fetbetch said:
Hi all, I took a couple of days off the duromine. I have eaten some heavy meals, but I am not going to punish myself for it.

I really need to get moving and exercise. I have hardly found the time, given I am nearing the end of Uni and I have assessments literally coming from out of everywhere! Ahhhh!

I started back on it this morning...Man, you can really tell the difference from the dry mouth and your normal mouth.

I noticed that I have a really itchy nose. Like on the tip, not up my nose. Side effect? Not sure haha. I keep itching it and it looks like I am picking my nose.

I hope everyone is well.

FB xx

I have done the same thing. I didnt take it for 2 days, as i wanted to give my body a little break. Felt like i was getting too used to the duromine and it started to feel ineffective. Aunt flo came for a visit and I had a bit of a binge. Even with duromine I cannot curb that chocolate craving. I took my duromine at my normal time yesterday which was 4am and I got to bed around 1am. Took it again at 4am, can happily say I've had 6hrs of sleep. But gosh i didn't like the not sleeping part.. it did rekick start me.. my hormones were crazy yesterday and i saw a difference on the scales - not that they tell the truth at the moment with my excess water weight, chocolate binge and bloating to factor in. I've been to bootcamp 3x this week so far. Aiming to go again today. I am not eating large meals, and not eating as regularly as i did when i started. At least 3 times a day which is still pretty good, compared to the old me.

As i keep saying: it is a journey.. we will get there.. ♡
Hi all,

Last week was rough...really rough. My partner and I had a really bad evening on Friday. I am too emotionally drained to go into specifics. It's not looking good.

Yesterday I spent the day doing nothing. I have a heap of work to do, but I sat there stagnant. As a result, I consumed 0 calories yesterday. By 10pm, I considered making something, but realised it was too late.

Weigh-in morning: 75.4kg -- down 900g since last week.

I hope you're all doing well. Melbourne Spring is here! Weather is lovely, so I will be heading out for a walk this arvo.

FB xx
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fetbetch said:
Hi all,

Last week was rough...really rough. My partner and I had a really bad evening on Friday. I am too emotionally drained to go into specifics. It's not looking good.

Yesterday I spent the day doing nothing. I have a heap of work to do, but I sat there stagnant. As a result, I consumed 0 calories yesterday. By 10pm, I considered making something, but realised it was too late.

Weigh-in morning: 75.4kg -- down 900g since last week.

I hope you're all doing well. Melbourne Spring is here! Weather is lovely, so I will be heading out for a walk this arvo.

FB xx
Hi there,

oh no that must be really tough on you. :( Just keep your head up high and stay as strong as you can! You might not want to here someone say to stay strong when all you want to do is lay in bed with the blinds closed. That walk sounds like a great idea. Keep it up! you're going amazing!

xx T.
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Hi all,

No update. I am sorry. Although I planned to be committed to this, I have taken the past week off Duromine.

I haven't stuck to my meals. I have had take-away and potatoes and rice etc. I am inundated by pressure with Uni work, plus my relationship is in the dumps... My skin has broken out and I was due for my period 3 days ago and it's not here yet (On the pill) :(

I will weight in tomorrow morning. I feel that I gained and I am pretty down about it.

I am going to Sydney for a long weekend so I don't know if it'll be appropriate to take. I'll keep you updated.
fetbetch said:
Hi all,

No update. I am sorry. Although I planned to be committed to this, I have taken the past week off Duromine.

I haven't stuck to my meals. I have had take-away and potatoes and rice etc. I am inundated by pressure with Uni work, plus my relationship is in the dumps... My skin has broken out and I was due for my period 3 days ago and it's not here yet (On the pill) :(

I will weight in tomorrow morning. I feel that I gained and I am pretty down about it.

I am going to Sydney for a long weekend so I don't know if it'll be appropriate to take. I'll keep you updated.

With all you're going through, cut yourself some slack. Your weightloss so far has been pretty impressive, if you do gain weight don't let it get you down. It's just another experience in life that you will hopefully learn from, forget that week and move on to the next week with a new positive attitude. Look back at what you have achieved and let that inspire you to make better choices. Late period for me too, so not normal for me. Was wondering if Duromine might be the cause, stress could be your issue though.

Have fun on your weekend away;)
Hey all,

So I am just almost finished my week 2 and I have absolutely no side effects at all not even dry mouth, from the start I didn't have hardly any side effects except I didn't have cravings for junk food and had a dry mouth now I don't have that either and only finishing week 2. Has this happened to anyone else? I am a little worried that it is not affecting my body the way it does with others and if I should finish this month and go to the 40mg or see the doctor next week and ask for the 40mg? I know people say it's good to not have side effects but if its not actually doing what it's supposed to a.k.a suppress my appetite than I don't know what to do..
Hi Kayla Louise :)

Congrats on making it to week 2. I'm starting at day 1 today but it's not the first time I've used Duramine.
Lucky you for not having any side effects! When I took D first time around I had the worst headache which lasted days & I had trouble sleeping. That only lasted a week fortunately.

My advice in regards to your worry is not to worry really. As long as your appetite is reduced, you're remembering to eat and you're seeing some weight loss you're doing just fine :)

This stuff affects us all in its own way so just focus on your goals and you will be winning!! Last year I started on 30 mg for the first two months and losses were slow so my GP put me on 40 mg for the third month. Much better I think (for me anyway.

Day 1 of round 2 & I have got so much energy I'm bouncing off the walls figuratively speaking lol :)
What changes have you made food and exercise wise since you started? Are you happy with your results so far at least? Duromine Forum
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I sleep like a baby even from taking it the first day! I took it at 5am this morning when I got up and I had to take a nap at 10am lol so it hasn't affected my sleep at all, I try to go to the gym 5 times a week but I was doing that before duromine, I eat multigrain toast in the morning to get some carbs in and I have a protein shake for morning snack and I have a piece of meat and salad for lunch and than another protein shake for afternoon snack and than meat and salad again. I didn't want to force myself to eat any food that I don't like only because it was healthy for me because I know that I won't be able to stick to that. I enjoy what I am eating so I know I can stick to it. I have had good results so far but don't want to get on the scale as I have had some naughty food this week lol and don't want to upset myself haha.

I think once I finish this month I will ask the doctor to put me on the 40mg, I am not very overweight but my body clings to fat due to having a very slow metabolism and working in an office, I work hard in the gym and my weight doesn't change but as soon as I eat junk food I put on straight away, have had my thyroid checked awhile ago and was fine, I might check it again after month 1.

My starting weight was 78.2
My current weight well from Thursday morning when I weighed myself last I was 74.
My goal weight is 65 and I am 177cms tall.

Goodluck with your new journey with duromine! How did you go the last 2 times you were on it?
KaylaLouiseHeyen said:
I sleep like a baby even from taking it the first day! I took it at 5am this morning when I got up and I had to take a nap at 10am lol so it hasn't affected my sleep at all, I try to go to the gym 5 times a week but I was doing that before duromine, I eat multigrain toast in the morning to get some carbs in and I have a protein shake for morning snack and I have a piece of meat and salad for lunch and than another protein shake for afternoon snack and than meat and salad again. I didn't want to force myself to eat any food that I don't like only because it was healthy for me because I know that I won't be able to stick to that. I enjoy what I am eating so I know I can stick to it. I have had good results so far but don't want to get on the scale as I have had some naughty food this week lol and don't want to upset myself haha.

I think once I finish this month I will ask the doctor to put me on the 40mg, I am not very overweight but my body clings to fat due to having a very slow metabolism and working in an office, I work hard in the gym and my weight doesn't change but as soon as I eat junk food I put on straight away, have had my thyroid checked awhile ago and was fine, I might check it again after month 1.

My starting weight was 78.2
My current weight well from Thursday morning when I weighed myself last I was 74.
My goal weight is 65 and I am 177cms tall.

Goodluck with your new journey with duromine! How did you go the last 2 times you were on it?
I have to say you're at an advantage at least compared to me with having had an exercise routine prior to starting :)

Motivation to exercise is my weakness and it's something I'm determined to conquer this time around. This stuff isn't cheap as you know, so I'm going to take full advantage of the energy it brings. I know it works as I lost 18kg last year.

I started at 107.5 kg and was the heaviest I'd ever been in my life! (I'm 168cm).
In four months I got down to 89kg which felt awesome because I had not been below 90kg in 9 years. I was 75kg at the time I gave birth to my son in 2005!

I stopped taking Duramine late December early Jan this year cause I couldn't afford to pay for it. And tbh I still can't, but I want to resume where I left off and reach my actual goal of 75kg. I'm not putting a time frame on it but hard work and determination should show the results soon enough (hopefully before Summer kicks in lol)!

I have dusted off the home gym equipment (treadmill & extension station) which have no useful purpose other than a clothes hanger and dust collector.

Food & heaps of water will play a big part in my routine this time as I tend to eat randomly most of the time and I have tastebuds that prefer salty and savoury. Not good when I store water like a camel haha!

Anyway I've run off topic as usual...

In a nutshell, I took Duramine for granted last time.
Nothing worthwhile comes easily, and that's one of my many mantras. It's only day 1 &
I look forward to sharing my progress with everyone over the next month :)
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Yes it is definitely not cheap at all! Maybe you could look at taking it every second day? I have read posts that it doesn't make much difference. Definitely eating healthy and exercising you will achieve your goals! There's a lot of workouts you can do at home just by using chairs and you could get some dumb bells of eBay and just use them in the comfort of your own home! If you can try and walk on the treadmill as soon as you wake up before eating it will make the most difference! I also have a personal trainer who is a fitness competitior and she says that's the best way to do cardio!

Maybe you could set a rule with yourself, if you have something bad depending on what it is or you want something bad to eat you have to walk on the treadmill for half an hour or something. It's okay to treat yourself sometimes :)

78.2 is my heaviest weight I have ever been, I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I had bulimia when I was 16 weighing the small amount of 45kilos than within a year and a bit I put on 30 kilos! I starting exercising excessively like 2/3 hours a day and eating healthy ended up losing 15 kilos on my own and was very happy than and was a good weight then I started working in an office and put 18 kilos on in 2 years! So my weight has been crazy!!! Which is probably why it has been so hard to lose again. Little back story on my life and I'm only 21 :(

Oh wow 18kilos is awesome!! You can do it! It's all about your mind frame! Everything else comes easy if you change your way of thinking which is what duromine is used for!
Hey kayla,

I was on duromine 30mg back in 2012. I started at 88kg and am 165cm tall. I lost 15kgs in 6 mths, but was fitting into a tight size 8 comfy 10. I worked out 5-6 days a week, 40 mins cardio 20mins light weights and squats, lunges, planks. On top of that I was doing the tap out fitness test (HIIT) at least 4-5nights per week
I didn't get many side effects except for the days when I took duromine and didn't exercise. I cut back to 2 days on duromine 1 day off. I found taking it 7 days a week gave me the dry mouth, insomnia and head aches.

Honestly I have a feeling your at the stage were I was finding the scale wasn't moving but I was getting into smaller clothes.
I advise getting a calorie counting app on ur phone I use MyNetDiary Pro. This will make sure ur not over eating (portion sizes), keep track of ur weight, see ur projected weekly weight loss, keep body measurements, and before and after pics.
You definitely don't need 40mg that's for the morbidly obese. Just try doing what I did and watch your dress sizes more because ur already close to ur normal weight range and u always worked out.

Sadly I'm back on duromine again, I'm on day 5 of week 1 & I started this round weighing 100.4kgs. Got nothing to do with duromine. I've been through some shitty things since I finished last in March 2013. I had and ectopic pregnancy, I struggled with depression which I had to take antidepressants for and last year had a twin miscarriage. So my weight coming back on has nothing to do with duromine I just got lost, but now I'm all good and am working back to where I was.
Pic below was in March 2013, I weighed 73kgs but all the clothes I'm wearing in pic are size 8 (plz excuse my messy room)


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