Food & Diet Plans

I feel great for now. I don't have any problem with side effects!
I'm vegan for over a year! This is a very cool to feel healthy! I took the hard way, I learned a lot of useful information and can give advice, if you are interested in)) For beginners I suggest to start with simple and understandable articles about how to be a vegan, what are the risks and what to take Witomino))
Newbie here. 48 female with rheumatoid disease. I was diagnosed with PMDD and RA both about 7 years ago. Prozac for the PMDD and a multitude of things for the RA
I've put on about 25kgs since diagnoses.
I've lost weight before many moons ago...WW after having kids and then Reductil for a short time with great success.
I'd hovered around 75kg most of my post having babies years and relatively happy at that even though would be consider overweight at that weight but now I'm about 100kgs. I've tried usual methods of diet and exercise and never more than a kilo or so budges.
I'm chronically tired (fatigue from RA is awful) and need a nap most days and my motivation is practically zero now.
My joints hurt from RA so carrying extra weight is not good. I've lost cardiovascular fitness and can't do the things I used to do.
I've got an appointment with my GP next month and want to talk to her about Duramine because I just want to kick start my metabolism, lose some weight so I can move a bit easier and then make some changes to keep weight off.
Has anyone else been in the same boat as me that can offer advice. I'm not sure what to do if my GP doesn't think its a good idea.
rawells said:
Newbie here. 48 female with rheumatoid disease. I was diagnosed with PMDD and RA both about 7 years ago. Prozac for the PMDD and a multitude of things for the RA
I've put on about 25kgs since diagnoses.
I've lost weight before many moons ago...WW after having kids and then Reductil for a short time with great success.
I'd hovered around 75kg most of my post having babies years and relatively happy at that even though would be consider overweight at that weight but now I'm about 100kgs. I've tried usual methods of diet and exercise and never more than a kilo or so budges.
I'm chronically tired (fatigue from RA is awful) and need a nap most days and my motivation is practically zero now.
My joints hurt from RA so carrying extra weight is not good. I've lost cardiovascular fitness and can't do the things I used to do.
I've got an appointment with my GP next month and want to talk to her about Duramine because I just want to kick start my metabolism, lose some weight so I can move a bit easier and then make some changes to keep weight off.
Has anyone else been in the same boat as me that can offer advice. I'm not sure what to do if my GP doesn't think its a good idea.

Rawells, hello. Reading your message made me really sad. You have to fight with so many things. I applause you for grabbing yourself and trying to solve the weight issue. I am not sure, though, that doctor will prescribe Duromine due to the multiple meds you are taking now, since it’s a potent drug. However, if there is such a possibility to avoid drug interactions, and you will explain it all to him, what bothers you and why you want to lose weight, he probably will. Ask for thorough recommendations, if he can give any. Please, feel free to write, even if the doc does not provide you with a prescription for Duromine. I wish I could help you. The only thing I can do is give you some tips… the rest always depends on the person himself.

What I can tell you right now is that you need to start swimming. Water supports your joints and eases the movement, at the same time giving you a great opportunity to exercise AND lose weight. when you visit your doctor, ask him for any existent programs for people with RA. If there is a way you can increase your physical activity and get a pain relief, it is the swimming.

For now, it’s all I can say and I will keep my fingers crossed for overall improvement of your health condition. Take care.
Thanks for the welcome. I see the doctor tomorrow so will see what happens.
I work full time and I am chronically tired so while finding some water classes makes sense...I'm just not there yet...I just want to sleep in my spare time. I'm hoping that if I get Duromine it will give me a kick start to increase energy and with weight loss I will have more energy from less to lug around. my aim is to walk for fitness and also get into hot yoga. Anyway...tomorrow will bring an answer either way and then I will have to explore other options because it has to change. I've spent the last six years thinking that once my RA is under control I will feel better, move better etc but the I realise now I will have this life long battle so other things need to change now rather than waiting for the pain and fatigue to go away...because truth is, its probably never going to so I need to do something now.
I have my prescription!
Good long chat with doctor. Going to start on 15mg for 2 weeks and then increase if tolerating. I'm not starting just yet as my blood pressure is always high on my appointments so I have to chart my BP for 2 days to show her its normal and then I can start (I've taken it 3 times today and its within normal limits so tomorrow shouldn't be any different)
rawells said:
I have my prescription!
Good long chat with doctor. Going to start on 15mg for 2 weeks and then increase if tolerating. I'm not starting just yet as my blood pressure is always high on my appointments so I have to chart my BP for 2 days to show her its normal and then I can start (I've taken it 3 times today and its within normal limits so tomorrow shouldn't be any different)

Woooohoooo!!!! Congratulations with the beginning of your Duromine journey!!! Hope, your BP doesn’t let you down and you will get into life changing process!

I can understand you how difficult it is to get into exercising when you feel constantly tired, and you probably even wake up tired in the morning, as well. Yet, there is a secret… you just have to start having any kind of physical activity, and everything changes. Trust me. It’s the hardest thing to make you go to a yoga class or the swimming pool, but the exercises do give you energy and both options can help you alleviate your RA symptoms. I also hope that Duromine gives you energy, yet if it doesn’t (this doesn’t happen every time), you still have to drag yourself into the gym or pool.

I will keep my fingers crossed for a good outcome of your BP monitoring AND for a successful weight loss journey! Best of luck!
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A very big luck to you, rawells! Fingers crossed everything goes smooth! ;)
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Oh yes! Congrats! May your journey be nice and smooth! And show that treadmill how a woman works when she knows what she wants and where she wants to get! =)) Take care and write soon!
Treadmill is broken...but hubby wanted a cross trainer for a while so that's being delivered today.
Day 3 and so far no problems....other than I'm starving hungry! Hopefully that will change soon!
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Great! Cross trainer is good too, although I found it harder to get used to and it caused me a stronger heartbeat, don't know why, probably because of the effort))) But it trains almost every muscle in your body, which I'm sure you already know, so it's a beneficial investment no doubt. Please share how it goes, ok? ;)

Day 3 is too early, but still, maybe your diet is insufficient even for the weight loss plan, if you list your meals here, I am sure April or me could advise you something or say what's going wrong and why you are still hungry. It's important to keep the balance between nutrients, you need them all - proteins, fat and carbs (for energy). Sometimes it's better to trust the "paper" all your thoughts or in this case weight loss routine to see your actions from the side better. Don't worry, we don't judge here anybody, but always ready to help.
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Rawells, did the cross trainer arrive? Are you giving it some good work? =))

Did the appetite suppression finally hit you? Hope you are doing well and moving towards your weight loss goals. Take care and have a beautiful day!
Hi. It did. Its such hard work! I am very unfit so I am do a little each day and hoping I can do more time as I get used to it.
Its been a week now. All I am feeling is a bit of a dry mouth but nothing else. I'm not weighing myself (I don't want to get fixated with a set of scales, and mine are probably not as good as the doctors) so I wont know about weight loss until I check in with my doctor, but nothing feels different, waist measurement is still the same etc. Still as hungry as usual (but I'm sticking to 1500 cal a day) and I'm still super tired (normal for me).
I have another week at 15mg then I go up to 30mg
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So, turns out while I have the exercise concept nailed, my knowledge regarding nutrition is actually pretty ordinary. Foods I previously thought were 'healthy' may not have been after all.

So please, hit me with your favourite healthy snacks!
Yeah, it's tricky. I used to love dried fruit, but figured out that some of them contain lots of sugar so you should eat only couple of pieces at a time, but in reality I could eat the whole package! Like prunes, mmm - good for digestion, but better to eat a handful, no more. Or dried apricots - good for your heart and blood vessels, still - a handful is a maximum dose. The same story with some nuts, cashew, walnuts, macadamia nuts - healthy, but very nutritional; I can't stop chewing them, but later on feel sick because they contain lots of fat. Overall, dried fruit and nuts are perfect as a healthy snack, just consume them wisely in reasonable amounts.
If I may.. as always, chime in and say that nuts are my passion, and I never buy them. =)) This is something I can’t resist. If I have them, I have to eat them. But yes, they are very nutritious and important, especially for a female body. Snack with them exactly like Kate said (in VERY moderate amounts). Fruits – these I usually have as snacks in the first part of the day. In the second part of the day, I would snack on cottage cheese and yogurt, hummus with carrot may be. All these, of course, with some vegetables. I am crazy about mozzarella and cherry tomatoes with a leaf of basil. Blast of tastefulness! =) for this reason I also adore frozen grapes and of course THE SMOOTHIES! If I have the latter for breakfast or dinner, I make them more nutritious, if it is a snack, then a smaller volume and low in calories and rich in fiber.
The fruit is mostly used in salads or as a spread. It is also used to prepare dips, smoothies, or purees. Avocados are an excellent source of good fats. However, due to the higher fat content, weight watchers usually avoid them. So, is avocado fattening? Does avocado increase weight?

There is a lot of misconception about avocados. Avocados do have saturated fats, but they also have healthy fats. However, the good fats and other vital nutrients they contain far outweigh the saturated fat content. To know if avocados are fattening, we need to take a look at the nutrition facts.

To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. When considering all the factors such as gender, age, physical activity, and genes, diet impacts your body weight the most.

How much Avocado per day for weight loss?
A one-ounce serving of avocado contains 45 calories. This fruit is a good option to add to your weight loss diet. If you are wondering how to eat avocado for weight loss, you can combine avocado with eggs and have it as a post-workout snack. Having it at lunch in a sandwich may also aid weight loss.

According to research published in the Nutrition Journal, consuming half an avocado at lunch will satiate you if you are overweight and prevent you from snacking. The research was conducted to find out how eating avocado affects a person’s satiety, blood sugar, and insulin response.

For the study, the participants were divided into three groups. The first group didn’t have avocados in their diet. The second group had a lunch containing only avocado. And, the third group had a standard lunch with half an avocado.

The study found that the people in the third group were 40% less hungry three hours after their meal. In the third group, 26% felt more satiated after their meals compared to the other groups.

Although more research may be required in this regard, we can say that eating half an avocado for lunch, along with an otherwise balanced diet and exercise, could help with weight loss.
SIZE16 said:
Watermelon is a delicious summer treat that often evokes memories of picnics and fireworks. The sweet taste and refreshing effects of watermelon make it the perfect snack for a hot day. The watermelon also offers far-reaching health benefits that make it a great food year round.
Improved VisionEating enough watermelon can prevent night blindness. This is because watermelon is rich in vitamin A and beta carotene, which improves overall eye health.
Weight ConsciousWatermelon is low in calories and high in water content, making it filling but not fattening. Eating watermelon in place of high-calorie treats can help to shed the pounds without the feeling of missing out on something.
Cancer PreventionLycopene is a proven antioxidant known to help in the prevention of cancer and cell damage. Red, fleshy foods like watermelons, tomatoes and pink grapefruits all contain high amounts of the antioxidant lycopene.
]With a high dose of B6, watermelon makes for great brain food. B6 helps the body to create brain chemicals that regulate sleeping patterns, relieve stress and even Brain Power[/Ugive a feeling of elation.
Healthy MusclesPotassium-rich foods like watermelon help athletes to cope with muscle strain and muscle cramps. Eating a slice of watermelon immediately after rigorous exercise can even prevent sore muscles
Watermelon is most definitely one of the most nutritious fruits and the watermelon juice makes for a great weight loss drink. In complete agreement with you on its low-calorie and high water content keeps you full.
Michaelfern said:
Watermelon is most definitely one of the most nutritious fruits and the watermelon juice makes for a great weight loss drink. In complete agreement with you on its low-calorie and high water content keeps you full. This helps you to control any binge eating.
I'm currently at 72.3 kts the heaviest I've been in my life apart from being pregnant , really gets me down. My goal weight is 55 kgs, u will be over the moon if I achieve it . Was only 51.3 , as time past the kilos just crept up . I'm determined to achieve it through healthy lifestyle , healthy eating smaller portions and daily exercise with the little help of duramine 15mg. Menapause is a nuisance
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