Food & Diet Plans

I don't have any problems. I feel great.
Hi I'm teags this is my first day. I have been wanting to get on D for a while but had to get heart checked first. I'm 32 at 155cm an 82kg. I would love to get to 60kg. I took my tablet with my morning coffee I don't really eat until lunch but within the first hour I was feeling nausea spurts do I had some toast and was good. I mowed a massive lawn and now I am sore from mowing but feel sick again I had an apple. How much should be eat when on D?

I can't wait to lose some weight. I suffer from severe scoliosis and and hoping that if shed some kgs it will help with my back pain.

Very excited but have so many questions. How much to eat. Should I eat more frequently? How much water should I be drinking? If I don't eat/drink enough is that why I feel sick.

I feel that the chemist and doctor didn't really explain things enough
Hey dear

You need to eat more frequently, but healthy. If you do not eat you will feel and nauseous. That's what I've realised in my D journey so far. And drinking water is vital, you need to keep hydrated drink at least 2litres of water daily. Even if you do not feel thirsty or hungry but you must force yourself.

All the best with your journey.
I agree with MissTee - you need to make at least 3-5 meals a day. Just make sure they are balanced (containing proteins, carbs and even fat, but 1200-1500 kcal per day). Drink water every time you are thirsty and even more. If you forget, just make sure you have a glass or small bottle with water in front of you. I used to put a glass full of water on the desk when I was working online, when it was empty - I took more water, etc.

Small snacks help to struggle with constant cravings, but Duromine should help to get rid of them anyways. Just use healthy snacks, like unsalted nuts, raisins, dried fruit, or fresh fruit and berries - whatever you prefer. Remember - healthy does not mean unappetizing, you must enjoy your food. BUT: stay away from fatty sauces from the store, fatty pork, fried food, etc. Try to cook in the oven more often - the food is more healthy when it's baked.

Other than that, you need to be physically active as muh as you can. In the beginning, you don't need to torture yourself with extreme workouts. Listen to your body and start with walking. Bicycle is a good idea too.

So, I guess that's it for now, but if you have more questions - go ahead and ask :) we will be glad to answer and help. Anytime. :cool:
Good luck dear!
This is very good. What is the situation in the future?
I'm super new to Duromine, took my first tablet of 30mg this morning :)
Leading up to going to the doctors and getting my prescription, I was trying to stay under the 1200 calories a day; Should I stick with this whilst taking Duromine? Surely not less - but do I need to eat more? Also, can I drink too much water?
I'll continue my brisk walks each evenings (Bout 30mins worth), hopefully I'll see some good weight loss!
Thank you in advance :)
Personally I do not believe in calorie counting but that seems to be the magic number. Unless you drink more than 1 liter of water in one go you can not drink too much water. I drink about 3 l a day.
All the best!
Nelly said:
I'm super new to Duromine, took my first tablet of 30mg this morning :)
Leading up to going to the doctors and getting my prescription, I was trying to stay under the 1200 calories a day; Should I stick with this whilst taking Duromine? Surely not less - but do I need to eat more? Also, can I drink too much water?
I'll continue my brisk walks each evenings (Bout 30mins worth), hopefully I'll see some good weight loss!
Thank you in advance :)
Hello, in the future the situation is much better. I don't have any problems.
This is very good, because side effects of these products appear in the future !!!
That's right! But I personally feel good!
I just want to give you a very simple advice that , Start taking honey and lemon juice with lukewarm water early in the morning. It helps a lot.
This is really great, but is not enough
Kate said:
Steps you don't want to miss if you start your weight loss program.

1. Don't stop eating. Please make sure you have breakfast, lunch and dinner, with fruit in between as snacks. This will keep your metabolism high, and lessen the side effects of Duromine. You don't have to eat a lot, just a small portion is fine.

2.Exercise. Even if you only exercise 30min a day, 3x a week, it will get you going in the right direction, and once you get into a routine, you will even enjoy it. Exercise also helps you sleep better, since Duromine keeps almost everyone awake at night.

3. Try to cut out or have small amounts of these foods: Starch, Oil, Sugar, Coffee, Dairy. Also try to eat more fish & chicken, instead of red meat.
This is very helpful advice, thank you Kate! Simple and straight to the point. No fancy diets. No gourmet cooking, who has time to cook big fancy meals every day? Certainly not me. Day 1 for me today and feeling okay and hope for the future and even a bit excited :)
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I'll be starting duromine 30mg on Monday being quite overweight I am worried about loose skin.... obviously I know I will get it being the size I am but was wondering if anyone had some tips of things I could do to help minimise it during my weight loss
my only advice is do not rush the weight loss :) realistically we will both have a little loose skin hopefully it won't be too bad.
TheOriginalBeauty said:
my only advice is do not rush the weight loss :) realistically we will both have a little loose skin hopefully it won't be too bad.
Just another question has taking duromine affected your driving at all is it safe to drive while taking it
Proudmum said:
Just another question has taking duromine affected your driving at all is it safe to drive while taking it

not yet it hasn't i just need to stay more aware that is all.
The only way you can do anything about loose skin is to loose weight gradually and keep on top of activities at the gym that help tone. thats whats worked for me anyway.

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