Food & Diet Plans

Hi All,

Just started o Duromine (again) and have 25kg's to loose.

Just wanted to check if someone has done Banting whilst on Duromine? Is it worth spending the extra money on banting foods or will the results be the same as on a normal low carb diet?

Hello Meisiekind! Welcome to the forum! I guess, you will be the first person to try combining banting with Duromine. =) Did you ever keep to this diet before? Any results?

I would appreciate very much, if you would share your results and thoughts with all of us, because it is quite a unique experience, and I wish you all the luck in the world and hope on hearing from you soon!
Meisiekind said:
Hi All,

Just started o Duromine (again) and have 25kg's to loose.

Just wanted to check if someone has done Banting whilst on Duromine? Is it worth spending the extra money on banting foods or will the results be the same as on a normal low carb diet?


Hello Meisiekind! How are you doing? Did you decide to stick to banting after all? Ow is the progress going? Any side effects this time on Duromine? Hope, none. =) Wish you would write soon and tell how everything is going. I am so extremely curious to know how Duromine works with banting. Wish you a great active weekend! Cheers
Hi April,

So just a quick update on the Duromine and Banting. I was a bit sceptical because with Banting you already eat less because of the high fat content that keeps you full for longer so I didn't know if it's worth eating the very small banting meals and if the fat will be high enough to make a difference.

Low and behold - I lost more in the last week since starting to Bant than in the 3 weeks prior. So I guess that even though the portions is much smaller because of the Duromine the low carb\high fat still makes a difference!
Oh wow! That’s impressive! Well done! And thank you very much for sharing your results. If you wish and have time, could you please tell a bit more about your experience, when you get to the end of the course (or when you wish). I think, many people will find your information interesting and inspiring. I definitely will =)) Great choice and keep it up! Cheers!

PS. Are you also into some physical activity?
Eating health food like green vegetables and juice.
Snacks like cashew nuts.
Hi, according to me corn flakes, oatmeals, veggies and sweet corn.
Hey guys,
So I’m 20 and starting 30mg this week and I am so worried I will have loose skin! I have about 40kg I want to lose all together but starting duromine to push me to reach my goal. So was just wondering if you guys could tell me a bit about your success or failures and if you had any problem with sagging skin, so I have some idea on what to expect.
Thank you XX
Hi Hayley! Welcome to our friendly Duromine community. So happy to see one more person opting for healthy lifestyle changes! You can find lots of success stories in this section and you can see lots of people going through the weight loss process right now in this section. As for the sagging skin, it all depends on your predisposition… some people lose huge amounts of weight and their skin looks perfect, while others have to struggle with unpleasant cosmetic consequences after losing just 10 kilos.

As a rule, main recommendations to prevent sagging skin while losing weight are:
  1. Lose weight slowly, so that your skin manages to adapt to your new body volumes (which is obviously not the case, if you are on Duromine)
  2. Do cosmetic treatments to address this issue (massage, coffee scrubbing, rubbing in oils and creams)
  3. Swim actively (my favorite tool, since it helps both lose weight and help tone up your skin)
  4. Drink more water (to avoid dehydration and its negative influence over the skin condition)
  5. Make sure that you consume enough products that provide your body with A and E vitamins (which are responsible for the condition of our skin, hair and nails)
This is pretty it, I guess. Will be glad to see more tips from the forum users and hope that there were helpful for you.

I wish you a successful weight loss journey and am looking forward to walk with you through it till the end. Good luck!
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jesyto said:
I feel great for now. I don't have any problem with side effects!
Well done. I'm heppy for you. Good luck
Tania J said:
I heard about the Banting eating plan / diet from a friend and decided to try it out. Wow, it is quite a lot of work and not cheap at all and the first 3 days were really tough, but I lost 3 kg in one week!!! Super happy with that!:p:p
My only concern is the long term effects. I did some research online and it seems there is mixed views regarding that.
Anyone else who have tried it or is on it at the moment? I would love to hear about your experience - and also easy recipes that don't break the bank:confused:
Hai did you do Banting diet while taking duromine?
She wrote this in 2015 you won't get a reply....
jesyto said:
Hello. For several years, I have a problem with unwanted pounds. I don't have time for sports, for this I tried several diets, but didn't achieve any result. Give me advice on what to do! Thank you!

Unfortunately sport is necessary to loose weight in a healthy way. Diet as such can only support this process but moving your body is essential. Try a sports you really like so it is easy to keep yourself motivated. Dedication is the most important part when it comes to weight loss.
For me riding MTB is the way to go. It is so much fun, it almost never feels as if i do sports at the moment. Check for more information and a nice community ;)
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jackulin456 said:
Hey all, All tips are very good and easy. I think this tips also very good for all newer. Thank you so much.
thank you so much for this advice they helped me a lot
Audrey3 said:
Wow, that is a difficult one. I am not a dietitian and can only speak of personal experience.
I used Duromine for a total of 5 months. It was hard in the beginning with a few side effects but got better after 2 weeks and after that no problems at all except dry mouth - which is good, force you to drink water.
Eating wise small meals and as healthy as you can. The D did not take my appetite away completely but I did not have any cravings. It helped me to get into a healthy way of eating which I continue.
Exercise wise I am not big on that, but you do have to get some done. Even if it is just a 30min walk 4 to 5 times a week.
People have different opinions, some say you only have to watch what you eat and you will lose weight while other believe exercise is vital. Just try to stick to a midway - little of each and see what works for you.
Also read through all the posts and success stories on here and you will get a good idea of what other people do.
I think the most important thing is the mind shift - you really need to WANT to lose weight.
Good Luck and ask any questions any time!
THanks good tips
Audrey3 said:
It is not a pharmaceutical product like Duromine which is regulated, but a supplement. There are amazing supplements available but you have to make sure that the manufacturer is legitimate with a good track record like USN. The problem with some supplements is that they are not bound to the strict regulations as pharmaceuticals, so you do not always know what they contain and in what quantities.
Just do you research before using any supplement.

hi where can we purchase it from?
Loosing weight is not as difficult a goal as one might think it is all a matter of awareness and implement ad ,the means of loose weight.
Therefore,if you adopt good daily habits,and gradually stop your old bad habits. If you follow daily routines in terms of physical exercises or nutrition and if you hold these actions over time, you will have results!

In the first,try to change your eating habits,eat only when you are hungry and eat less quickly. If you cannot change your diet or do not have satisfactory results, you should consult a dietician.
Try to eat healthy (especially avoid sugar), such as green vegetables, fruits. Avoid fruit juices,but also cereals, fast food etc.

I will wanted to try to bring you solutions that you can test in order to finally take control of yourself.
You can consult the following videos which will teach you to lose weight through physical exercises.
If you have good results, thanks to these videos, you can share your progress with me via my email address which is the following:

Email address:

Mouhamed22 said:
Loosing weight is not as difficult a goal as one might think it is all a matter of awareness and implement ad ,the means of loose weight.
Therefore,if you adopt good daily habits,and gradually stop your old bad habits. If you follow daily routines in terms of physical exercises or nutrition and if you hold these actions over time, you will have results!

In the first,try to change your eating habits,eat only when you are hungry and eat less quickly. If you cannot change your diet or do not have satisfactory results, you should consult a dietician.
Try to eat healthy (especially avoid sugar), such as green vegetables, fruits. Avoid fruit juices,but also cereals, fast food etc.

I will wanted to try to bring you solutions that you can test in order to finally take control of yourself.
You can consult the following videos which will teach you to lose weight through physical exercises.
If you have good results, thanks to these videos, you can share your progress with me via my email address which is the following:

Email address:

Hi Mouhamed 22,

Welcome to our friendly community ;):sun:
Can you share some information about your exercises here?

Or, do you work as a personal online trainer?
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To keep it simple, I would say:

1: Start to pay attention to what’s on the back of every box/can you buy. A lot of processed food is way more calorie dense than you think it is.

2: Avoid carbs and sugar. Don’t deprive yourself unreasonably, just pick low-content alternatives. Sugar is literally addictive and most people don’t realise how much it controls their life until they try to stop eating it - that’s almost a different journey to mere weight loss.

3: Movement is good but exercise isn’t worth it if it makes you unhappy.

if you enjoy exercise? Great! Do it. Every little bit helps. But if doing it makes you unhappy or resentful or otherwise likely to give up, don’t force it. The most comprehensive numbers I could find in terms of calories-burned-per-hour and estimates of likely improved metabolic rates just weren’t even close to worth it for me. That said, think of ways you could add more movement into life in an easy way. Taking the stairs rather than the lift, walking to the shops and bus/Uber home (or walking back, if load is light), getting off the bus one stop early or parking in a further, cheaper car park and walking the rest of the way to work etc.

Disclaimer: the above tips come from someone who thinks enjoying life is more important than losing weight and so has taken a good two years to lose 30kg.
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