Food & Diet Plans

I am on 30mg. With 3 mths prescribed. If i get to my goal weight beforehand i will discontinue using them. Yes it is a scary thought, they've been around for a lifetime hard to imagine life once they've gone. :-(
I lost the charger for my samsung watch - synchronizes to my phone. So i havent been keeping track of how many steps i do. I aimed for a minimum of 10k
Booty said:
I am on 30mg. With 3 mths prescribed. If i get to my goal weight beforehand i will discontinue using them. Yes it is a scary thought, they've been around for a lifetime hard to imagine life once they've gone. :-(
I lost the charger for my samsung watch - synchronizes to my phone. So i havent been keeping track of how many steps i do. I aimed for a minimum of 10k
- I'm glad I didn't take them for a few days in a row as I was concerned things would go pear shaped . Kind of hoping I get another month -, how much do you want to loose in the three months
15kg. I have already lost 5 in 3wks. I assume i will only be on it for a short time, at this rate. It has been such a massive help with overhauling my lifestyle. It isnt just me that i am overhauling, i have a husband and 3 children in tow too.
Booty said:
15kg. I have already lost 5 in 3wks. I assume i will only be on it for a short time, at this rate. It has been such a massive help with overhauling my lifestyle. It isnt just me that i am overhauling, i have a husband and 3 children in tow too.
That is awesome - yes don't think you will be on it long either , nore will I . Agreed re lifestyle . I did it to not just drop some weight but also for my head, if that makes sense .
Its worked for me too. ;-)
You are not alone on that one. :)
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This is good! Tell me how I need to take Lipovon?
Hey everyone,
My second day on Duromine and I'm trying to figure out what bad carbs are. People say things like bread and pasta which is a shame because I like wholemeal bread and pasta :(
Can someone please tell me what other carbs are bad as I really want to give this my all!
MissMaxee said:
Hey everyone,
My second day on Duromine and I'm trying to figure out what bad carbs are. People say things like bread and pasta which is a shame because I like wholemeal bread and pasta :(
Can someone please tell me what other carbs are bad as I really want to give this my all!
I believe anything processed is bad for you. So with carbs I would think wholewheat bread and pasta is good. Brown rice. Maybe sweet potato instead of potato.
Kate said:
Steps you don't want to miss if you start your weight loss program.

1. Don't stop eating. Please make sure you have breakfast, lunch and dinner, with fruit in between as snacks. This will keep your metabolism high, and lessen the side effects of Duromine. You don't have to eat a lot, just a small portion is fine.

2.Exercise. Even if you only exercise 30min a day, 3x a week, it will get you going in the right direction, and once you get into a routine, you will even enjoy it. Exercise also helps you sleep better, since Duromine keeps almost everyone awake at night.

3. Try to cut out or have small amounts of these foods: Starch, Oil, Sugar, Coffee, Dairy. Also try to eat more fish & chicken, instead of red meat.

The big question is why the people get fat? The answer is simple. We eat too much that our body needs. The weight loss program helps us and guide us what we should do and what we should avoid. So many restrictions to avoid but it's very important to follow.

"A Happy Person, is A Healthy Person"
Ah Ha.... just found this...

Well I am on the right track... I drink one cup of coffee a year if that lol... don't enjoy warm drinks at all..
I had breakfast, first time in over 30 years... had my D 30mg at 7am and feeling ok...
I have never exercised but will be starting a walk routine with my dogs today...
Thanks for all the tips and info...
Nothing specific, just taken once a day with more water.
Hi ladies,
Just curious to see if there are any other people here to purge after eating "treats" that you know you shouldn't have. I do really well during the day. Small breakfast usually all bran ( i literally I eat less that my kids 4.5 & 2.5) or toast with cottage cheese. Lunch is generally a couple of carrots and an Apple. If I'm peckish I'll have a yogurt. Or may be some tuna and a couple of crackers. Lots of water and that's it till dinner. Dinner is generally small what ever I make for the kids. But if there are treats aka chocolate or ice cream and I'll eat so much I make my self sick. So then I go purge and feel so much better. II don't feel like eating it I just want to and once I start I think what the heck I may as well because I know I'll just be sick so it doesn't matter.
I've been on duromine for nearly 3 months and I don't want to stop. I've fine from 89 to 85 on my own then from 85 to 74 in 2.5 months on duromine.
Anyone else like me out there?
Mishca starr said:
Hi ladies,
Just curious to see if there are any other people here to purge after eating "treats" that you know you shouldn't have. I do really well during the day. Small breakfast usually all bran ( i literally I eat less that my kids 4.5 & 2.5) or toast with cottage cheese. Lunch is generally a couple of carrots and an Apple. If I'm peckish I'll have a yogurt. Or may be some tuna and a couple of crackers. Lots of water and that's it till dinner. Dinner is generally small what ever I make for the kids. But if there are treats aka chocolate or ice cream and I'll eat so much I make my self sick. So then I go purge and feel so much better. II don't feel like eating it I just want to and once I start I think what the heck I may as well because I know I'll just be sick so it doesn't matter.
I've been on duromine for nearly 3 months and I don't want to stop. I've fine from 89 to 85 on my own then from 85 to 74 in 2.5 months on duromine.
Anyone else like me out there?
Micha please do not see this as judgmental but I think you are playing with fire. This is the first step to anorexia and bulimia. Instead of purging rather keep the portion sizes small or snack on a more healthy alternative. I know it is difficult if you have small kids in the house and you keep treats for them but you can damage your teeth and esophagus by purging.
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Hi Audrey3. I know what you mean. I don't believe I have a problem. Its something I consciously choose to do, not something I have to do, not sure if that makes sense.
We advocate healthy eating in my house and the kids don't actually eat any sugar. So the treats we buy are just for hubby and I.
I do not have very strong will power when it comes to snacking so I found that the best way to avoid it is not to have any snacks in the house!
Mishca starr said:
Hi Audrey3. I know what you mean. I don't believe I have a problem. Its something I consciously choose to do, not something I have to do, not sure if that makes sense.
We advocate healthy eating in my house and the kids don't actually eat any sugar. So the treats we buy are just for hubby and I.
True. I need to stop. I usually snack on healthy stuff that doesn't make me feel ill. I have to go back to that. Thanks girls. Its nice to be able to talk about it.
Do you have any problems with side effects? This is important to me! Thank you

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