Food & Diet Plans

Wow that's fantastic,I am feeling nervous because of all da side effects.I am really gona try this time,feeling veri unhappy with my self...u hv given me hope.Thank you and well done to you
ChelseaPearshape said:
Hi, I am so pleased with the results.
Had blood tests done in November, insullen is normal, fasting glucose 4,8.
SW = 92
CW = 72
GW = 68 (new goal - yes, I'm planning to lose a little more)
My blood-test in November also revealed that I am terribly aneamic - so taking iron supplements for this.
I'll check that again in 6 months, only once the iron levels look satisfactory, I can plan my tummy tuck.
I feel wonderful, healthy, and have regained so much confidence. It has really been worth the effort!
Wow congratulations on your loss so far,happy for u it took u like 5momths to lose the 20kgs?
I'm impressed...keep pushing
Congrats on your loss so far :)
shazzabig said:
My doctor and I have a three month plan for duromine.
My calories will be between 1000-1200cal a day. I will have a high protein diet as in the past they have been the ones that I have found most effective. I cut sugar out of my diet three months ago so I will continue with that too. I also from tomorrow will be going to the gym 5 days a week.

From what I do know about nutrition and your body its that no matter how quick you want to lose weight starving yourself will not do you any favors. Your metabolism will slow down which will hinder your weight loss. Use duromine to help decrease the amount you are eating but most certainly make sure you are still eating 5 small meals a day at a very min 3.

Good luck
Let's just say you don't eat at all on this pill and you end up loosing weight, are u garunteed to put it all back on once ur off the pill?
Hey all, All tips are very good and easy. I think this tips also very good for all newer. Thank you so much.
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Hi guys... my weight loss journey has been a long one and I have done everything humanly possible to loose weight. In 2013 i drank duromine 15mg and lost 14kg in 3 months I was feeling good and looking good! And then I went back to my old habits and gained everything plus 2kg.... depression was reel at that time for me. Now in 2015 I deceided to go on the 30mg and I just want to do it the correct way and the healthy way! Can you guys pls give me some advice
Hello there I am 3 days in on duromine 30
And really haven't had any side-effects. Apart From a dry mouth. I take my tablet at around 7am but by 4pm I am getting hungry do you have any tips for me to get through from after 5.30 to when I go to bed around 11 pm.
I am 119.4 kgs . I really hope this works I would be happy with 2 kgs a week more the better.
Oh one more thing can u drink to much water ??
Thank u
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Hello. For several years, I have a problem with unwanted pounds. I don't have time for sports, for this I tried several diets, but didn't achieve any result. Give me advice on what to do! Thank you!
Wow, that is a difficult one. I am not a dietitian and can only speak of personal experience.
I used Duromine for a total of 5 months. It was hard in the beginning with a few side effects but got better after 2 weeks and after that no problems at all except dry mouth - which is good, force you to drink water.
Eating wise small meals and as healthy as you can. The D did not take my appetite away completely but I did not have any cravings. It helped me to get into a healthy way of eating which I continue.
Exercise wise I am not big on that, but you do have to get some done. Even if it is just a 30min walk 4 to 5 times a week.
People have different opinions, some say you only have to watch what you eat and you will lose weight while other believe exercise is vital. Just try to stick to a midway - little of each and see what works for you.
Also read through all the posts and success stories on here and you will get a good idea of what other people do.
I think the most important thing is the mind shift - you really need to WANT to lose weight.
Good Luck and ask any questions any time!
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Sure you need to follow the basic. Do excercise regularly and eat healthy you will lose your weight sure.
For me, the best solution is a healthy diet and more exercise. Can you spend more time on sport and exercise?
maritti said:
For me, the best solution is a healthy diet and more exercise. Can you spend more time on sport and exercise?
You can spend as much time on sport and exercise as you like:p
Just don't over exert yourself and as long as there is no side effects - cramping, heart palpitations etc - go for it!
I heard about the Banting eating plan / diet from a friend and decided to try it out. Wow, it is quite a lot of work and not cheap at all and the first 3 days were really tough, but I lost 3 kg in one week!!! Super happy with that!:p:p
My only concern is the long term effects. I did some research online and it seems there is mixed views regarding that.
Anyone else who have tried it or is on it at the moment? I would love to hear about your experience - and also easy recipes that don't break the bank:confused:
If you don't have enough time for sports, then try with weight loss product!
BigMamaPlus3 said:
Hello all :) , can you please advise me of the big NO NO's & the OKAY's - food wise/drink wise please whilst trying to shed kilos on duromine!!
IsabellaGrace said:
Let's just say you don't eat at all on this pill and you end up loosing weight, are u garunteed to put it all back on once ur off the pill?
You will put weight back on if you return to old lifestyle and keep eating junk food again. No pills can help here. People must be ready to change their thinking and then use Duromine.
hi guys,

so i am 23 and have recently lost about 7kg on lite and easy, but then the weight loss stopped.. so i decided to try duromine. taking the 40mg in the morning around 8am

i have taken the tablets 4 days in a row now, and am doing exercise every single day.

some people on the forum have been posting that they lose as much as 2-4kg in the first few days but this hasn't happened for me.
i am also not really hungry but wondering how much i should be eating? do i only eat when i feel hungry or do i try to stick to the 3 meals and 2 snacks a day?
i do at least 45min-1.5 hours a day of exercise- 7 days.

any help would be appreciated.
Hello, Sofia!
Please do not look at people's results it only upsets you, your body is different from others and you cannot expect it to lose as much as you want, unfortunately) The best way is to stick minimum to 1200 calories per day. I know that Duromine takes your hunger away, especially 40mg dose, so I think you should not wait till you're hungry, just try to eat regular meals - the way you suggested (3-5 a day). It is better to eat at fixed time every day, it's best for the body to get used and not gain extra weight even if your calories exceed the usual norm.
Exercise plan is great, but make sure your muscles are not overloaded. Then better workout 3-4 times a week.

Good luck! ;)
Hi guys, today is my first day. I have tried to eat 1200 calories but i just dont feel like food but managed to get atleast 800 in. I use myfitness pal on my phone to count calories and it works. I have no side effects just yet im just happy and have taken advantage of the energy buy going hard on my work out.
Qhama said:
Hi guys, today is my first day. I have tried to eat 1200 calories but i just dont feel like food but managed to get atleast 800 in. I use myfitness pal on my phone to count calories and it works. I have no side effects just yet im just happy and have taken advantage of the energy buy going hard on my work out.
Hi, Qhama

I know I know you don't feel like eating...see that's the point of the pills. But you need to eat more than 800 calories, try it. Make it as your daily work that you should do for your body. Most people on the diet think they need to consume as less as possible, but 800 is just too little. Do not starve your body because it may cause the opposite result after you finish the pills. You main regain weight fast. So, try to make it 1000 calories at least. Believe me, you will keep losing weight. Good luck!
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