Food & Diet Plans

Hello all :) , can you please advise me of the big NO NO's & the OKAY's - food wise/drink wise please whilst trying to shed kilos on duromine!!
Hi welcome, I think as far as good and drink goes as long as you are eating sensibly ie low fat etc and try to ensure you still eat 3 meals a day even if you don't feel hungry have something otherwise you will end up feeling weak and tired, your body still needs food for fuel to be able to function, also try and make sure you have plenty of water I'm not 100% sure but I don't think you can drink alcohol while taking duromine, excercise always help too, good luck with your journey :)
My doctor and I have a three month plan for duromine.
My calories will be between 1000-1200cal a day. I will have a high protein diet as in the past they have been the ones that I have found most effective. I cut sugar out of my diet three months ago so I will continue with that too. I also from tomorrow will be going to the gym 5 days a week.

From what I do know about nutrition and your body its that no matter how quick you want to lose weight starving yourself will not do you any favors. Your metabolism will slow down which will hinder your weight loss. Use duromine to help decrease the amount you are eating but most certainly make sure you are still eating 5 small meals a day at a very min 3.

Good luck
Steps you don't want to miss if you start your weight loss program.

1. Don't stop eating. Please make sure you have breakfast, lunch and dinner, with fruit in between as snacks. This will keep your metabolism high, and lessen the side effects of Duromine. You don't have to eat a lot, just a small portion is fine.

2.Exercise. Even if you only exercise 30min a day, 3x a week, it will get you going in the right direction, and once you get into a routine, you will even enjoy it. Exercise also helps you sleep better, since Duromine keeps almost everyone awake at night.

3. Try to cut out or have small amounts of these foods: Starch, Oil, Sugar, Coffee, Dairy. Also try to eat more fish & chicken, instead of red meat.
Sounds like good advice Shazzabig.
Hi Kate,

i am so worried that i am not eating the right amount to kickstart my weight loss or at least max Duromine's effects...i've only been on it for a week and a half so i know i shouldn't expect any changes yet, and i've been too scared to weigh myself (also because i've had my period and i know that that makes you gain a lot in fluid so the reading would be inaccurate...sorry for too much info!). I think i have been eating well, but i don't know if it is too little or in fact still too much! for example:

breakfast: 40g optifast shake OR 3 teaspoons of rolled oats with 1/2 small tub of yogurt, blueberries and watermelon
snack: apple
Lunch: zucchini slice (about the length of my palm) OR 5 pieces of tuna sushi
snack: 175g no fat yogurt
dinner: Roast chicken (no skin), steamed vegetables and a light gravy
Snack: SOMETIMES i have a few squares of dark chocolate if i am hungry, otherwise i don't have anything

is that an ok diet to be on with Duromine and to maintain afterwards? or is it too much food? or not enough?

sorry...i'm just so confused right now and want to do what's best
Hello, Larnie!
It is normal that you are confused at this stage. I like your diet, just a little remark: I would swap your lunch and dinner. As I think it is best to eat less in the evening. And unfortunately (for you LOL) eliminate chocolate completely.:oops: It is a temptation...
Tuna sushi sounds great, but do you feel full on a slice of zucchini??

My opinion - you should NOT eat less, if you feel ok with this amount of food, then great. You don't need more. Good luck and let be patience with you :)
Thanks for getting back to me Kate,

Oh, the zucchini slice is like a frittata made out of zucchini and egg and some other veggies, so yeah it does fill me up :)
the only problem with swapping my lunches and dinners is that i live with my boyfriend and he likes to have the same meal at night (obviously not the same size) so i don't know how to make it 'light' i don't have the carbs he gets (like potato/rice/pasta) i just have whatever protein we're having and some salad/veggies :(

i'll keep soldering on then, i'm feeling so frustrated right now! i've been on them for almost 2 weeks, it feels like i've lost weight but when i stood on the scales this morning i've only 'lost' a few hundred grams and that is just considered a fluctuation not a weight loss :( i feel like nothing ever works for me!!!

could the duromine not work for me as i am not as heavy as most people who take it? i do have a BMI if 25 but i am 65.6kg (i'm quite short, my goal weight is 55kg). nothing has ever worked for me to shift this weight that i have gained over the past year and now i am starting to think this won't either :(
Could be... Your body might "think" it does not need to lose any weight, like you do)))
Give it some time, it'll move ;)
Oh ok, that's a good point! thanks for the advice!!! i'll keep trying then :) (stupid body haha)
Hi Kate...
I'd like to know I broke my leg and had surgery on it and doc said it will take 5 months to heal up completely.
Now I'm following a diet trying to eat at least 1200 cal a day but my body is kind of not working with that idea but I try.
Thing is can't really exercise cause of the leg will that make losing the weight more difficult for me.

I'd like to hear your opinion on it
Hi, Ally Cat :)
I think yes, the weight loss might be slower if you cannot exercise. But it depends. For example, if you have never done 'normal household' (please don't take me wrong, it is just an example) before, then doing it is now kinda exercise and makes your body lose calories (energy). The whole point of losing extra weight (fat tissue) is to waste more calories than you get from food. But please don't worry, at this point you cannot do much, since you have this leg situation, no point to stress yourself. You will lose weight, no matter what because now you are trying to change your diet and it makes changes, no doubt ;)

Remember: your weight loss journey has already begun, so there's no way back, only the loss of kilograms. But what time it takes - does not matter, since it is your life and your health and you should not hurry with it.
Take your time, and when you are healed - you can start increasing your physical activity, besides therapist will advise you that too.
Hope you'll be OK soon, have a great weekend!
Thank you so much on our advise and for the response...
I have a few more weeks to go.
The doctor advised me that if im up to it and the pain is ok I can take a slow walk or climb some strairs on a slow pace till I can get more active.
He's happy that I'm loosing weight he said it will make legs and the hardware in it more manageable.
My accident made me realise I need to loose some weight as I fell with all my weight on it if I weighed less i think i wouldn't have broken it that badly.

You guys are all super awesome ansd so inspiring
Ally-Cat said:
I'm happy to report after sitting with my hubby who use to be fitness junkie, we worked out an exercise program where I can do exercises without using my leg.
That is awesome really! It is the best thing and definitely most motivating and stimulating, when your beloved supports you!! I am really happy for you. It would be even better if your man could stick to the same diet regime though. It would make your journey much easier. Ah well, little steps at a time.
Kate said:
Steps you don't want to miss if you start your weight loss program.

1. Don't stop eating. Please make sure you have breakfast, lunch and dinner, with fruit in between as snacks. This will keep your metabolism high, and lessen the side effects of Duromine. You don't have to eat a lot, just a small portion is fine.

2.Exercise. Even if you only exercise 30min a day, 3x a week, it will get you going in the right direction, and once you get into a routine, you will even enjoy it. Exercise also helps you sleep better, since Duromine keeps almost everyone awake at night.

3. Try to cut out or have small amounts of these foods: Starch, Oil, Sugar, Coffee, Dairy. Also try to eat more fish & chicken, instead of red meat.
This will be great for me as I don't eat red meat! Woohoo!
can i ask, why is it bad to drink coffee while taking Duromine? and is it bad to continue drinking it after you stop taking Duromine? i have a soy latte once every 2 days (and no more than one a day) and i do not have any adverse effects from it while on these does it effect your ability to lose weight? or is it purely because it's an added stimulant?

Also, is it common to become overly emotional when on these tablets? I've noticed my emotions have become a lot more erratic lately and i will become upset at the smallest things -_-
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Larnie66 said:
can i ask, why is it bad to drink coffee while taking Duromine? and is it bad to continue drinking it after you stop taking Duromine? i have a soy latte once every 2 days (and no more than one a day) and i do not have any adverse effects from it while on these does it effect your ability to lose weight? or is it purely because it's an added stimulant?

Also, is it common to become overly emotional when on these tablets? I've noticed my emotions have become a lot more erratic lately and i will become upset at the smallest things -_-

Yes, I guess you are right - coffee is just another stimulant. Since Duromine is a stimulant itself you want to limit this effect, to sleep well at night. At least that's what my GP said. However, this is just a general recommendation, personally I had 1 cup of coffee with milk in the morning every day and felt fine. As for your emotions, some people say that they had the same feelings as you. It is hard to say for me, because I am emotional myself so... I don't think you should worry much about coffee and its effect on your weight loss. Because latest research shows that green coffee, for example, even helps to lose fat tissue. Have a nice day, dear! ;)
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Hi Chelsea

I have just been reading your post, I have just started Duro,2 days in now. I have the same problem as you "insulin-resistant". How it going with the Duro.

ChelseaPearshape said:
Hi, I am really pleased with the results so far. I am taking glucophage for the sugar, it's a white tablet, and really affordable. (R23, enough for a month).

I am almost out of duro (probably have enough for about a week.)
My weight is down to 85kg, but as I say, the Jeans are really what motivates me. This weekend, I wore a pair of jeans which I have not been able to fit into, since 2008!! I was over the moon!

I would strongly suggest that you start searching for info on low carb foods. It will not only help your loose weight, but help reduce your blood-sugar levels. I don't think the weight would have come off this quickly and easily if I had not done this. Because now I know which foods to avoid. I am making a habbit of reading labels, and if I am not sure, I google for nutritional information on certain foods.

Like this guy (in the link) suggests, I try to eat less than 50 carbs per day. Not always possible, but I try.
All the best with your decision. For me, getting back to my pre-baby weight is really a big thing. I am very happy in my marriage, love my kids, but just extremely unhappy with my figure. And I am the only one who can change that. And once you need to punch another hole into your belt, or fit into a smaller pants, you already have so much motivation, that it gets easier every day.
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Hi, I am so pleased with the results.
Had blood tests done in November, insullen is normal, fasting glucose 4,8.
SW = 92
CW = 72
GW = 68 (new goal - yes, I'm planning to lose a little more)
My blood-test in November also revealed that I am terribly aneamic - so taking iron supplements for this.
I'll check that again in 6 months, only once the iron levels look satisfactory, I can plan my tummy tuck.
I feel wonderful, healthy, and have regained so much confidence. It has really been worth the effort!

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