Duromine and pregnancy

Can you take Duromine while pregnant and breastfeeding?

Ellen Moran

Ellen Moran


Ellen Moran is an accredited dietitian practitioner on various issues who helps make the basics of nutrition simple and accessible to all. She offers us behavioural changes and specific advice to lead healthy lives and care for our health based on recent scientific advances. She believes and argues scientifically that a healthy lifestyle extends life and makes us happier.

, reviewed by
– Updated February 11, 2022

Pregnancy is the most beautiful and essential time of a woman’s life. When carrying a new life inside, you must be very attentive to what you eat, drink, and especially what medicine you take.

You will undoubtedly face the problem that many pills are contraindicated during your pregnancy or breastfeeding. So, is it safe to take Duromine in these circumstances?

Can you take Duromine while trying to get pregnant?

If you plan to get pregnant, it would be better to go off Duromine. During pregnancy, you will experience many different changes in your body. That’s why it should be healthy and ready for it. 

There are different stories of when women fell pregnant while on Duromine. Don’t panic if you fell pregnant while on Duromine. There is no 100% guarantee that something happens to your baby inside. However, you should stop taking Duromine as well as other medications and contact your doctor.

Can you take Duromine while pregnant?

During your pregnancy, you should take care of your health and, especially, your weight. Excess weight can lead to many health problems not only for a woman but also for the fetus.

But according to the information leaflet you receive with Duromine, Duromine should not be used in pregnant women. Studies in animals have shown evidence of an increased occurrence of fetal damage. 

Thus taking Duromine while you are pregnant is not recommended

At the same time, you should be very careful about the weight gain during your pregnancy. Try to eat only healthy food which includes all the nutrients for your baby.

Can you take Duromine while breastfeeding?

All young mothers want to get back their former toned bodies. But there is no data available on the safety of Duromine during breastfeeding, and as such, it is better to avoid taking Duromine while breastfeeding. 

All you eat and drink moves to your breastmilk. You need to eat well during the lactation period and forget about a strict or specific diet to feed your baby healthily. It would be best to ask your doctor before taking any medication. At the same time, you should also take care of your nervous system. As you know, Duromine is a stimulant, and it works on the central nervous system to suppress your appetite. Thus Duromine and breastfeeding are incompatible.

Does Duromine affect the contraceptive pill?

According to studies, Duromine doesn’t affect birth control pills. However, some women experience changes in their bodies and claim that Duromine affects their period. Some women even fell pregnant. 

Concluding the above, you should think about your future baby’s health. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, go off Duromine, and ask your doctor before taking any medication.


Duromine is not recommended during pregnancy due to potential risks to both the mother and the developing baby. As an appetite suppressant, Duromine might restrict essential nutrient intake needed for fetal development. Furthermore, it may cause increased heart rate and blood pressure, which can negatively affect the pregnancy. It’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider before starting, continuing, or discontinuing any medication during pregnancy.


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