I personally eat VERY little in comparison to my old diet (but that wouldn't be hard lol)- only fruit (twice a day) and water, but not everyone is the same. I do also take some vitamin supplements and so far i have lost 8kg and 13cm from my waist - keeping in mind i only incorporated Duromine into my journey 5 days ago. Before starting my Duromine i cut out soda and took Xenical (which is a fat blocker) I thought by doing this it wouldn't be such a huge shock as going from my normal habbits to a strict diet with Duromine.
I still use Xenical it in conjunction with Duromine but do not suggest doing so without speaking to your Dr first.
Remember drinking loads of water will make a difference to the number on the scale, even tho it is zero calories u have consumed x amount of water which will mirror on the scales. I find weighing myself in the morning as soon as i wake up works best as i haven't consumed any food or water for a good period of time so its a pretty true indication of weight. If i weigh myself throughout the day i will always have gained something because of the huge amounts of water i drink to combat the dry mouth lol.
Ive been where you are so many times, its horrible... i think we have such high expectations of what we think we should loose and the number on the scales dictates our success. This time around, instead of saying i want to loose weight, i decided i wanted to change my lifestyle - ive found by not really having an expectation to loose kg's i dont get so much anxiety when it comes to weighing myself.
Try not weighing yourself for a week and just making positive lifestyle changes. Im sure not only will the number on the scales change but you will feel better within yourself.
Ps - my starting weight was 123.8 and im 27