Current stats:
Weight - 75kg (loss of 15kg!)
Bust - 98cm (loss of 5cm)
Waist - 89cm (loss of 12cm)
Hips - 113cm (loss of 9cm)

6 days of Duromine left - I have been on Duromine for a little over 3 months (missed taking a tablet a few days here and there). I am 5 kg off my goal but am very happy with the progress I have made while on this medication.

I am slightly nervous as to how I will go with not gaining any more weight after I have finished Duromine though.
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Im back again :)
I decided to go to the doctor today to ask if he would give me another month or two. I expected the lower dose this time but he has given me 2 months on the 40mg! Im excited but also crapping myself lol. I am a little nervous at going up to the bigger dosage as I got a little skittish at times on the 30 mg (especially if I forgot to eat or it was a long time between meals). Plus I do like my sleep and am expecting sleep on this one to be pretty much non-existent.
I only have 5 kg to lose. I have done really well to maintain my weigh (especially since we spent 2 weeks in Mexico and then adding that its winter here and I do like my winter comfort food). I have realised though that I need to me more active - even if its just a 30 minute walk every day.

So, thats where I am up to. My stats/measurements are exactly the same as my last entry:

Bust - 98cm (loss of 5cm)
Waist - 89cm (loss of 12cm)
Hips - 113cm (loss of 9cm)
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ky11e83 said:
Current stats:
Weight - 75kg (loss of 15kg!)
Bust - 98cm (loss of 5cm)
Waist - 89cm (loss of 12cm)
Hips - 113cm (loss of 9cm)

6 days of Duromine left - I have been on Duromine for a little over 3 months (missed taking a tablet a few days here and there). I am 5 kg off my goal but am very happy with the progress I have made while on this medication.

I am slightly nervous as to how I will go with not gaining any more weight after I have finished Duromine though.
Your progress is good! Especially when you actually see the difference. Don't worry about gaining weight back - if you stick to the same diet plan and exercises in future, you will maintain your progress and can even lose more. Good luck and I am sure everything is going to be perfect! ;)
Kate said:
Your progress is good! Especially when you actually see the difference. Don't worry about gaining weight back - if you stick to the same diet plan and exercises in future, you will maintain your progress and can even lose more. Good luck and I am sure everything is going to be perfect! ;)

Thank you Kate. I am oh so close to my goal weight :) and I am enjoying the benefits from losing so much weight - I am amazed at how my fitness level has changed (even with minimal exercise).
I am doing much better on the 40mg than I thought I would be. Its not that much stronger than the 30mg. Im not losing sleep - I am actually sleeping soundly and much deeper than I have in years. Absolutely no hunger pains and Im not 'skittish' at all. The only issue I am having (and sorry for over sharing) is constipation. I am drinking plenty of water and eating a variety of fruit and vegetables, so Im not sure what the issue is. I have no idea what I weigh because our scales broke a few days after starting the packet - but my measurements are looking good.
Hey again,
As you know I've just started so I will probably check this forum out daily :) I love it. I'm 5'5 and 88kgs today,
First goal is 84 (haven't been under 85 in like a year)
Then 79
Then 74
Then 69.
would be cool to get to 65 eventually but I am worried I won't be able to keep it off!
I'd like it to reach each goal every two weeks but not sure if that is realistic (about 2.5kgs a week), guess I'll wait and see! I at least would like to get to 75 in two months (all I have duromine for).
I'm in Australia too!! Adelaide :)
Zoelee said:
Hey again,
As you know I've just started so I will probably check this forum out daily :) I love it. I'm 5'5 and 88kgs today,
First goal is 84 (haven't been under 85 in like a year)
Then 79
Then 74
Then 69.
would be cool to get to 65 eventually but I am worried I won't be able to keep it off!
I'd like it to reach each goal every two weeks but not sure if that is realistic (about 2.5kgs a week), guess I'll wait and see! I at least would like to get to 75 in two months (all I have duromine for).
I'm in Australia too!! Adelaide :)
Welcome again and good luck. I'm aiming for a 1kg a week even thought I'd like it to be more. Ultimately would love 16kgs in 13 weeks.
Start weight 106kgs, currently 104ish weigh in tomorrow
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ky11e83 said:
Day 22 on 40mg Duromine.

Scales reading 70 kgs (I did it!! my goal weight!!) - new scales though so I am trying not to get too excited jut in case they are wrong lol

Bust 90cm
Waist 87cm
Hips 109cm
This is awesome, good job! I'm very happy for you and can't wait til the same happens to me! Haha
Hi there,
I've just joined today and I'm on day two of Duro. I have about 50kgs to lose so have a long, long way to go. My Doctor said you can only go on Duromine for 3 months at a time so I'm going to be making the most of the next three months!
Hello Lighter Ginger!! Looking forward to reading your posts..!! Good luck..
Lighter Ginger said:
Hi there,
I've just joined today and I'm on day two of Duro. I have about 50kgs to lose so have a long, long way to go. My Doctor said you can only go on Duromine for 3 months at a time so I'm going to be making the most of the next three months!
Welcome and good luck.. Lots of funny supporters on here.
Thanks for the warm welcome Deana and Mumo3girls :)

So, I weighed myself today (day 3) and have lost 2.5kg. I know at this stage it is mainly fluid so I will not be disappointed with lower numbers in the coming weeks. I guess because my starting weight is so high I would expect to shift some of it quickly though.
This morning I went for a 8km walk, and I came home starving! Hope this appetite loss thing kicks in soon because my willpower won't hold out when I'm hungry! I'm super curious how people say they 'forget to eat', I wish! lol

Looking forward to sharing your journey ladies!
Lighter Ginger said:
Thanks for the warm welcome Deana and Mumo3girls :)

So, I weighed myself today (day 3) and have lost 2.5kg. I know at this stage it is mainly fluid so I will not be disappointed with lower numbers in the coming weeks. I guess because my starting weight is so high I would expect to shift some of it quickly though.
This morning I went for a 8km walk, and I came home starving! Hope this appetite loss thing kicks in soon because my willpower won't hold out when I'm hungry! I'm super curious how people say they 'forget to eat', I wish! lol

Looking forward to sharing your journey ladies!
8km...??? Yep.. That does it.. I'm lazy! :confused: maybe I need to get of the Duro Train and get on the Duro Footpath..!!
Madaselle said:
Week 6
Starting weight 103kg
current weight approx 94-96 (haven't check the scales in about 4 days)
I check new posts out every day :)
Wow.. Madaselle.. that's really something to be super happy with...!! Good for you!!
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