Joycee said:
Lololololol, you think Food police are bad.....

I have a sister who happens to be a doctor..... I love her to death, and she loves me just as much.....but sometimes I think she can't wear separate hats, being a doctor and being a sister together is bad!! (No wonder it's frown upon doctors treating their own family)

I haven't told any of my family.... But I told a couple of close friends.... Not sure whether it's a good idea....I don't get Food Police, I get Doctors!!! (I know they all know my medical history and cares about me....but it seems like everyone is a doctor, and want to warn me about side effects, dangers etc)

That is life!
Haha.. bugger!!
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Mumo3girls said:
A friend and I were just saying this the other day actually... Grrr
Could this mean it may show up in a random drug test if pulled over when driving? That's worrying If so
I believe so.........just get your doc to write something up, or keep your empty prescription box in the car, then I think the cops will send to the lab for further identification.

These are just my personal imagination of what would happen, hasn't happened to me.

Also, on the internet, there are contradictory comments on whether Duromine shows up as false-positive (to illicit drugs). Some said yes it definitely does, some said it definitely doesn't.:confused:

Duromine I believe is in the amphetamine family (hence giving you 'rushy' feelings), You are quite right Deanna, it is not speed or methamphetamine, hence the lab testing can distinguish the difference.

Duromine is not illegal, hence we are not breaking the law, just minor inconvenience. (Someone hypotheses that when cops get a false-positive, and you got 'proof', when they send to the lab, it still takes a couple of days, so you may have to get someone to drive until result, again, all hypotheses)

BUT WE ARE NOT BREAKING ANY LAWS, so don't worry too much. Just know what may happen.
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Zoelee said:
I'm sure I'd be fine, I've only been pulled over once in my life of driving anyway so surely will be fine haha
Haha I've never been pulled over for a drug test so chances are slim... But could happen!
Hi guys, been crazy with work but wanted to check in with you :)

So today is day 5 and I've lost 3.5kg. Pretty happy with that! My first goal is to get under 110 and I'm sitting at 113.1, I'd love to be at my first goal by the end of week 2! I've been eating around 1200 cals a day and 30mins on the treadmill every morning. I will take my measurements on day 7.

Hope everyone else is doing good. Does anyone else have 40+kgs to lose?
Lighter Ginger said:
Hi guys, been crazy with work but wanted to check in with you :)

So today is day 5 and I've lost 3.5kg. Pretty happy with that! My first goal is to get under 110 and I'm sitting at 113.1, I'd love to be at my first goal by the end of week 2! I've been eating around 1200 cals a day and 30mins on the treadmill every morning. I will take my measurements on day 7.

Hope everyone else is doing good. Does anyone else have 40+kgs to lose?

Awesome effort..
I don't like to think about a major amount of weight I need to lose, because it doesn't feel achievable to say I need to lose 36kgs.. Arghh..
So I'm focusing more on about 16-21kgs but really only thinking about the first 11-12kgs..
Starting weight of 106kgs, and haven't been below 94 in my adult life, so that's my goal at the moment.
Week two weigh in was 103.8kgs, weigh in Friday's.
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Lighter Ginger said:
Hi guys, been crazy with work but wanted to check in with you :)

So today is day 5 and I've lost 3.5kg. Pretty happy with that! My first goal is to get under 110 and I'm sitting at 113.1, I'd love to be at my first goal by the end of week 2! I've been eating around 1200 cals a day and 30mins on the treadmill every morning. I will take my measurements on day 7.

Hope everyone else is doing good. Does anyone else have 40+kgs to lose?

I do!!
Hi ladies, I've just joined.
On day 3 15 mg
I am 30 years old and 5'2
SW 93
CW 91.8
GW 70

Also in Victoria, and will probably be on here everyday lol
Welcome kc, I've found this forum is very helpful and encouraging for the weight loss journey, the people on here are amazing, and I was the same for the first few days I just read like everyone's duromine story, it was addictive haha. Good job at already losing some weight in your first three days that's awesome :)
Hi all, just had my weekly weigh in yesterday, been taking 30mg duromine for a week.
172cm, age 40
CW: 87.5kg
Best off all I haven't eaten any McDonald's (my daily weakness) for a week. Can drive past each one on way to work without having to fight with myself. Yay....
Have checked forum daily looking for advice and inspiration to stay focused on eating only the good stuff.
Thought I'd get in on this post instead of keep my own going.

I'm male 31 started duromine 30mg on 1/9
6ft1 tall ex rugby player (so big frame)
Starting weight was 125kg

Goal is 95-99kg

Fairly active guy, love weight lifting and work in a kinda physical job.

I'm going to weight myself every Monday morning.

Feeling great on duromine. Only getting mild side effects like dry mouth witch is easy to deal with. Sleeping well!
Craig said:
Thought I'd get in on this post instead of keep my own going.

I'm male 31 started duromine 30mg on 1/9
6ft1 tall ex rugby player (so big frame)
Starting weight was 125kg

Goal is 95-99kg

Fairly active guy, love weight lifting and work in a kinda physical job.

I'm going to weight myself every Monday morning.

Feeling great on duromine. Only getting mild side effects like dry mouth witch is easy to deal with. Sleeping well!
Welcome (again) and good luck with your first weigh in
First Monday weigh in.....

123kg so lost 2kg in 4 days.

Feeling pretty good about that. Cos I have a feeling I'm holding alot of water weight
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2 week weight in.

121.2kg. A loss of 1.8kg this week.

So total loss at the start of day 12 is 4.8kg
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