
Height: 155cm
SW: 93.4 kg
CW: 91.9 kg
1G: under 90 kg
2G: under 80 kg
3G: under 70 kg
GW: 65 kg
Ideal GW: 55 kg

Man, I have a long way to go....

On Duromine 1st day.
Joycee said:

Height: 155cm
SW: 93.4 kg
CW: 91.9 kg
1G: under 90 kg
2G: under 80 kg
3G: under 70 kg
GW: 65 kg
Ideal GW: 55 kg

Man, I have a long way to go....

On Duromine 1st day.
Hi Joycee, welcome aboard!!.. Recognition is the first step towards change.. you're here and your journey has begun... cwlebrate that- have patience, drink lots of water, be aware of how your body feels with duromine, including mood.. be true to yourself and enjoy the support you have both personally (amongst family and friends) and here on the forum.. (quite a few of us have not shared with family or friends about our duromine journey, including me... a long way to go... though though visit to dr (done), script filled (done), first capsule taken (done)... you're already 3 big steps in.. the hardest ones to take!! :)
Lighter Ginger said:
Thanks for the warm welcome Deana and Mumo3girls :)

So, I weighed myself today (day 3) and have lost 2.5kg. I know at this stage it is mainly fluid so I will not be disappointed with lower numbers in the coming weeks. I guess because my starting weight is so high I would expect to shift some of it quickly though.
This morning I went for a 8km walk, and I came home starving! Hope this appetite loss thing kicks in soon because my willpower won't hold out when I'm hungry! I'm super curious how people say they 'forget to eat', I wish! lol

Looking forward to sharing your journey ladies!
I never forget to eat, but my urge to eat instantly has gone. It's more like, ok I'm hungry, let's make lunch.. Instead of, OMG I'm dying and need whatever is closest that is bad!
Deanna78 said:
8km...??? Yep.. That does it.. I'm lazy! :confused: maybe I need to get of the Duro Train and get on the Duro Footpath..!!

I only get to do this once a week, but am going to try and do 30mins walking on the treadmill every other day.
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Mumo3girls said:
I never forget to eat, but my urge to eat instantly has gone. It's more like, ok I'm hungry, let's make lunch.. Instead of, OMG I'm dying and need whatever is closest that is bad!

I agree, sugar is my weakness and I've not been craving it. I would like to eat it but no cravings, which is huge!

I am thinking that the key to success for me is to try and log on here everyday and chat to you all. Only one friend knows I'm on euro and I'm not talking to people about 'being on a diet' because if I do, everyone becomes my food police.

Anyway, hope we all stick to this and reach our goals together :)
Mumo3girls said:
I never forget to eat, but my urge to eat instantly has gone. It's more like, ok I'm hungry, let's make lunch.. Instead of, OMG I'm dying and need whatever is closest that is bad!
Too true!!
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Lighter Ginger said:
I agree, sugar is my weakness and I've not been craving it. I would like to eat it but no cravings, which is huge!

I am thinking that the key to success for me is to try and log on here everyday and chat to you all. Only one friend knows I'm on euro and I'm not talking to people about 'being on a diet' because if I do, everyone becomes my food police.

Anyway, hope we all stick to this and reach our goals together :)
I'm the same, only a few non critical people know.. Food police suck!
Hi Mumo3girls... could it be we are on here at the same time.. omg - amazing!
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Hi. I'm new today too. Day 3 on 30mg. Not much in terms of side effect so far and haven't really felt it working as yet, but I don't know what I should be expecting either.
Current: 93
1st goal: under 90
Where are you all from? I'm from
Victoria, Australia.
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Reactions: Mumo3girls
Jmacke05 said:
Hi. I'm new today too. Day 3 on 30mg. Not much in terms of side effect so far and haven't really felt it working as yet, but I don't know what I should be expecting either.
Current: 93
1st goal: under 90
Where are you all from? I'm from
Victoria, Australia.

Vic here too.. My first few days I had dry mouth, and just generally was awake longer, maybe a bit of an extra buzz but that's about all.. Mostly I have only really noticed the cravings and urges to eat bad have stopped and maybe I'm more satisfied with a small meal, rather than the urge to eat more because I'm "dying of starvation" haha.. My doc did warn me that I'm still going to have to "try" to lose weight.. It's not a quick fix or a tool to eat away fat.. Just more an appetite suppressant
Jmacke05 said:
Hi. I'm new today too. Day 3 on 30mg. Not much in terms of side effect so far and haven't really felt it working as yet, but I don't know what I should be expecting either.
Current: 93
1st goal: under 90
Where are you all from? I'm from
Victoria, Australia.
Brisbane for me...
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Thanks for your encouragement !! deanna78 and mumo3girls.

I'm doing great on Duromine 3rd day, the plateau was broken.

Height: 155cm
SW: 93.4 kg
Day1: 92.1 kg
Day2: 91.3 kg (0.8 lost) Duromine broke my 'reverse plateau' with a vengeance!
Day3: 90.8 kg (0.5 lost)
GW: 65 kg
GW2: 55 kg
Joycee said:

Thanks for your encouragement !! deanna78 and mumo3girls.

I'm doing great on Duromine 3rd day, the plateau was broken.

Height: 155cm
SW: 93.4 kg
Day1: 92.1 kg
Day2: 91.3 kg (0.8 lost) Duromine broke my 'reverse plateau' with a vengeance!
Day3: 90.8 kg (0.5 lost)
GW: 65 kg
GW2: 55 kg
Yay good for you X
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Reactions: Joycee
Lololololol, you think Food police are bad.....

I have a sister who happens to be a doctor..... I love her to death, and she loves me just as much.....but sometimes I think she can't wear separate hats, being a doctor and being a sister together is bad!! (No wonder it's frown upon doctors treating their own family)

I haven't told any of my family.... But I told a couple of close friends.... Not sure whether it's a good idea....I don't get Food Police, I get Doctors!!! (I know they all know my medical history and cares about me....but it seems like everyone is a doctor, and want to warn me about side effects, dangers etc)

That is life!
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Actually, now I'm on the topic...

Duromine may give a false positive on random drug test.... So for guys and girls working with motor vehicles or workplace that has a random drug test policy may want to get a doctor written note. I think the sample if tested positive will be sent to a lab for distinguishing between amphetamine vs methampethamine.
(But it's not very good image if a person is apply for a new job that will be testing your sample) Just a thought...

xxox blessed
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Joycee said:
Lololololol, you think Food police are bad.....

I have a sister who happens to be a doctor..... I love her to death, and she loves me just as much.....but sometimes I think she can't wear separate hats, being a doctor and being a sister together is bad!! (No wonder it's frown upon doctors treating their own family)

I haven't told any of my family.... But I told a couple of close friends.... Not sure whether it's a good idea....I don't get Food Police, I get Doctors!!! (I know they all know my medical history and cares about me....but it seems like everyone is a doctor, and want to warn me about side effects, dangers etc)

That is life!
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Joycee said:
Actually, now I'm on the topic...

Duromine may give a false positive on random drug test.... So for guys and girls working with motor vehicles or workplace that has a random drug test policy may want to get a doctor written note. I think the sample if tested positive will be sent to a lab for distinguishing between amphetamine vs methampethamine.
(But it's not very good image if a person is apply for a new job that will be testing your sample) Just a thought...

xxox blessed
A friend and I were just saying this the other day actually... Grrr
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