So I started Duromine about 9 Days ago and have been documenting it all on here. I realised I had been doing it wrong so now I will post it the PROPER WAY!

Duromine 30mg
Start date: 14/2/2017
Age: 20
Height: 162
Start Weight: 77.7kgs
Goal Weight: 60kgs

Day One - 14/2/2017
Time Taken: I took tablet at 5.30am and went back to sleep woke up at 8am.
Feelings: Felt a little hungry during the day even when I ate. And my mouth felt dry
Exercise: Went to gym for 1 hr 30 mins
Sleep: Fell straight asleep when I went to bed around 11pm

Day Two - 15/2/2017
Time Taken: Took pill at 6am and straight after fell asleep until 7ish
Feelings: Had a smoothie and apple at around 8am and still feel a little hungry.... felt tired during the day like I had no energy and felt hungry alot during the day.
Exercise: 1 Hour cardio and 1 hour swimming at the beach
Sleep: Fell asleep very fast that night at 11pm

Day Three - 16/2/2017
Time Taken: 6.30am
Feelings: I had a smoothie for breakfast and 2 hours later felt hungry I had drank a lot of water so i decided to eat a pear. I was still hungry after the pear my stomach was rumbling. My energy feels better this morning I am no longer drowsy. I was so hungry I had to have lunch earlier. After that I wasn't hungry at all but I made sure I had Dinner.
Exercise: 30 Minute Cardio
Sleep: I was so tired by the end of the day I went to bed at 10.30pm (Very early for me).

Day Four - 17/2/2017
Time Taken: 6.30am went back to sleep until 8am
Feelings: I feel very good today my energy levels are back up and I had an amazing sleep! I am following my diet very well and am not tempted to eat like I usually am (YAY ITS WORKING). No side effects today I made sure I drank a lot of water throughout the day.
Exercise: 30 Minute Cardio, 30 Minute Weights
Sleep: Fell asleep straight away at around 11:30pm

Day Five - 18/2/2017
Time Taken: 6.30am
Feelings: After I took the tablet I got up and got ready and went to the gym. My energy was good today I wasn't tried at all during the day and felt no hunger pains. My mouth was pretty dry but I made sure I drank a lot of water.
Exercise: 2 hour cardio classes + 30 mins weights (very tiring)
Sleep: Fell asleep straight away at around 11:30pm

Day Six - 19/2/2017
Time Taken: 7:00am went back to sleep until 8.30am
Feelings: I felt great today no side effects at all. One of my best days on duromine I must say, I feel like all my side effects which I had when I first started are gone!
Exercise: Went for a very long walk with my dog all up did 11,000 steps!
Sleep: Haven't tried to sleep yet (it is 11.10pm)

Day Seven - 20/2/2017
Time Taken: 7:00am
Feelings: No side effects today except the usual dry mouth when I work out. Today was a good day I felt like I had a good amount of energy! I brought myself a fitbit to keep track of my fitness and help me further by motivating me and I LOVE IT!
Exercise: Went to the gym for an hour cardio and went for a walk a few hours later. Did a total of 11,421 Steps today! wow
Sleep: Off to bed now (10:50pm) I am so tired!!
Weigh In - Week One
Start Weight: 77.7kgs
Current Weight: 75.1kgs
Total Weight loss: -2.6kgs
Day Eight - 21/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: No side effects today. I have started to notice I don't feel as hungry as often, I've been making sure I drink a lot of water. I always need to use the bathroom Ha ha!! I feel great I feel like duromine is starting to work well for me as an appetite suppressant.
Exercise: I took my dog for a walk as well as hit the gym. Did 1 hour of cardio and 30 minutes of light weights Fitbit stats were 14,473 steps, 9.74kms and burned 2,763 calories for the day
Sleep: Fell asleep straight away as my head hit the pillow so far no insomnia from the tablets

Day Nine - 22/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: Feeling great. No side effects what so ever not even a dry mouth. No hunger pains or cravings at all today had to remind myself to eat often as I was not feeling hungry.
Exercise: Walked around a lot of the day. Decided to walk to the station instead of drive (20 minute walk x 2 including the way home) I decided to go to the gym to do a 1 hour cardio boxing class..... then stayed for another 30 minute body attack class (Cardio again) and after did some small weight training with 15reps 4 times each. At the end of the day my fitbit stats were 17,853 steps, 12.26kms, and 3,541 calories burnt and I can tell you now I was exhausted!
Sleep: Fell asleep straight away no side effects
Weightloss2809 said:
Day Eight - 21/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: No side effects today. I have started to notice I don't feel as hungry as often, I've been making sure I drink a lot of water. I always need to use the bathroom Ha ha!! I feel great I feel like duromine is starting to work well for me as an appetite suppressant.
Exercise: I took my dog for a walk as well as hit the gym. Did 1 hour of cardio and 30 minutes of light weights Fitbit stats were 14,473 steps, 9.74kms and burned 2,763 calories for the day
Sleep: Fell asleep straight away as my head hit the pillow so far no insomnia from the tablets

Day Nine - 22/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: Feeling great. No side effects what so ever not even a dry mouth. No hunger pains or cravings at all today had to remind myself to eat often as I was not feeling hungry.
Exercise: Walked around a lot of the day. Decided to walk to the station instead of drive (20 minute walk x 2 including the way home) I decided to go to the gym to do a 1 hour cardio boxing class..... then stayed for another 30 minute body attack class (Cardio again) and after did some small weight training with 15reps 4 times each. At the end of the day my fitbit stats were 17,853 steps, 12.26kms, and 3,541 calories burnt and I can tell you now I was exhausted!
Sleep: Fell asleep straight away no side effects

Weightloss2809 said:
So I started Duromine about 9 Days ago and have been documenting it all on here. I realised I had been doing it wrong so now I will post it the PROPER WAY!

Duromine 30mg
Start date:
Age: 20
Height: 162
Start Weight: 77.7kgs
Goal Weight: 60kgs

Day One - 14/2/2017
Time Taken:
I took tablet at 5.30am and went back to sleep woke up at 8am.
Feelings: Felt a little hungry during the day even when I ate. And my mouth felt dry
Exercise: Went to gym for 1 hr 30 mins
Sleep: Fell straight asleep when I went to bed around 11pm

Day Two - 15/2/2017
Time Taken:
Took pill at 6am and straight after fell asleep until 7ish
Feelings: Had a smoothie and apple at around 8am and still feel a little hungry.... felt tired during the day like I had no energy and felt hungry alot during the day.
Exercise: 1 Hour cardio and 1 hour swimming at the beach
Sleep: Fell asleep very fast that night at 11pm

Day Three - 16/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: I had a smoothie for breakfast and 2 hours later felt hungry I had drank a lot of water so i decided to eat a pear. I was still hungry after the pear my stomach was rumbling. My energy feels better this morning I am no longer drowsy. I was so hungry I had to have lunch earlier. After that I wasn't hungry at all but I made sure I had Dinner.
Exercise: 30 Minute Cardio
Sleep: I was so tired by the end of the day I went to bed at 10.30pm (Very early for me).

Day Four - 17/2/2017
Time Taken:
6.30am went back to sleep until 8am
Feelings: I feel very good today my energy levels are back up and I had an amazing sleep! I am following my diet very well and am not tempted to eat like I usually am (YAY ITS WORKING). No side effects today I made sure I drank a lot of water throughout the day.
Exercise: 30 Minute Cardio, 30 Minute Weights
Sleep: Fell asleep straight away at around 11:30pm

Day Five - 18/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: After I took the tablet I got up and got ready and went to the gym. My energy was good today I wasn't tried at all during the day and felt no hunger pains. My mouth was pretty dry but I made sure I drank a lot of water.
Exercise: 2 hour cardio classes + 30 mins weights (very tiring)
Sleep: Fell asleep straight away at around 11:30pm

Day Six - 19/2/2017
Time Taken:
7:00am went back to sleep until 8.30am
Feelings: I felt great today no side effects at all. One of my best days on duromine I must say, I feel like all my side effects which I had when I first started are gone!
Exercise: Went for a very long walk with my dog all up did 11,000 steps!
Sleep: Haven't tried to sleep yet (it is 11.10pm)

Day Seven - 20/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: No side effects today except the usual dry mouth when I work out. Today was a good day I felt like I had a good amount of energy! I brought myself a fitbit to keep track of my fitness and help me further by motivating me and I LOVE IT!
Exercise: Went to the gym for an hour cardio and went for a walk a few hours later. Did a total of 11,421 Steps today! wow
Sleep: Off to bed now (10:50pm) I am so tired!!
Weigh In - Week One
Start Weight: 77.7kgs
Current Weight: 75.1kgs
Total Weight loss: -2.6kgs

Thank you for sharing your exsperience-I'm wondering if you could help me - I'm looking to buy duromine
I can't buy in my country and I'm in limbo as to what to do. I don't trust online sites and I'm
Looking for honest person who understands my situation.

Look forward to hearing from you
Thank you
WWWWWWOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!! You’ve got seriously engaged into the physical activity. I love it!!!! You must be very very proud of yourself! Switching from car to walking on foot is a fantastic idea! I am so glad that the appetite suppression effect finally arrived. I am sure you will be able to make up a good menu to reach the required amount of calories per day, to keep your metabolic rate even higher.

Way to go! Can’t wait for the next weigh in. I would also suggest you to take some measurements and take photos. It is always easier for us to notice changes when we are looking at ourselves on a photo, and not in the mirror.

Have a great day!
Workout said:

Thank you for sharing your exsperience-I'm wondering if you could help me - I'm looking to buy duromine
I can't buy in my country and I'm in limbo as to what to do. I don't trust online sites and I'm
Looking for honest person who understands my situation.

Look forward to hearing from you
Thank you

Hi, I got Duromine on a prescription from my Doctor. I would not suggest buying it without a doctors consent as I had to do blood tests and health check before he even prescribed me Duromine. If it is not available in your country speak to your doctor about what he/she may suggest maybe there is another brand sold similar to Duromine? or maybe he/she knows another way to help with weightloss. I had no idea what Duromine was until I went and spoke to my Doctor about how I found it hard to loose weight and he introduced me to it. I also wouldn't trust buying it online it seems shady. Hope that helps
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April said:
WWWWWWOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!! You’ve got seriously engaged into the physical activity. I love it!!!! You must be very very proud of yourself! Switching from car to walking on foot is a fantastic idea! I am so glad that the appetite suppression effect finally arrived. I am sure you will be able to make up a good menu to reach the required amount of calories per day, to keep your metabolic rate even higher.

Way to go! Can’t wait for the next weigh in. I would also suggest you to take some measurements and take photos. It is always easier for us to notice changes when we are looking at ourselves on a photo, and not in the mirror.

Have a great day!

I am very proud :) I aim for 10,000 steps a day and what better way to gain them by walking to the train station! I try and stick to 1200 calories a day is that the required amount?

and I have taken some measurements and photos since I started! which I will upload on my next weigh in (Monday).
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=)) 10.000 steps is a great aim! Besides the weight loss, it gives you so many other benefits. Yes, 1200 calories is a good amount for both losing weight and for further weight maintenance when you get to the goal.

You did great with the measurements and photos. Very serious approach to weight loss! Love it! Have a fantastic weekend and stay in control =)
Day Ten - 23/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: Worked and had Uni all day I did a lot of walking around. I felt great no hunger cravings and I had to remind myself to eat!!
Exercise: Total exercise for the day was 15,456 Steps, Climbed 28 Floors, Burnt 3,121 Calories all including working, Uni and Gym
Sleep: Fell asleep easy

Day Eleven - 24/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: Felt good. Happy and Motivated. No hunger cravings. It feels good to not have any side effects anymore. Although my heart rate stats on my fitbit is so much higher than my friends. Must be because of the Duromine
Exercise: Total exercise for the day was 12,338 Steps, Climbed 21 Floors, Burnt 2,740 Calories all including working and walking my dog for an hour in the afternoon
Sleep: Fell asleep easy that night

Day Twelve - 25/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: Today was a Lazy day for me. I felt very tired when I had woken up. I forgot to take my tablet in the morning I usually take it at 7am. I didn't do much today just caught up on some homework.
Exercise: Total exercise for the day was 6,760 Steps, Climbed 12 Floors, Burnt 2,150 Calories
Sleep: I stayed up a bit tonight. I found that I get very tired as the Duromine wears off but i managed to stay up until 2 going out with friends but once my head hit the pillow I fell straight asleep

Hello, hello, hello! I see you keep going in the same steady pace and work very well on that weight loss. I simply love the numbers your exercising shows! Very inspiring! I know very little about your eating behavior. I hope that when you do remember to eat, you eat something healthy. =) Remember, besides the weight loss, you also need to develop healthy habits you can keep up with after you stop using Duromine.

Fingers crossed for the weight in! Wish you a fantastic day!!!

PS. The lazy day is ok. You work so hard every day that you can let yourself having one day once in a while to just relax. ;)
Day Thirteen - 26/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: Felt very stressed. My dad has been in Hospital the last couple of days. I just want him to come home. I hate being home alone I was down today didn't exercise again today I should really get back into it... Monday is a new week. I hope that I haven't gained anything this week :( I don't feel any lighter but hey we will see tomorrow!
Exercise: Total exercise for the day was 8,534 Steps, Climbed 17 Floors, Burnt 2,493 Calories
Sleep: Slept well. I was very tired towards the end of the day.

Day Fourteen - 27/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: Did some housework. Did the groceries and visited my dad once again in the hospital I had no side effects today. It was just as normal not even a dry mouth! I felt good after gym it felt great to be back at it again!
Exercise: Total exercise for the day was 11,676 Steps, Climbed 16 Floors, Burnt 2,671 Calories. I did a 30min Core class and a 1 Hour bootcamp followed by 25 minutes on the treadmill and some chest weights!
Sleep: Haven't slept yet but I feel tried

Weigh In - Week Two
Start Weight: 77.7kgs
Current Weight: 73.0kgs
Total Weight loss: -4.7kgs

Wow I was surprised I lost weight. I took my measurements when I first started and forgot to post them so here they are

Measurements - Week One
Chest: 97cm
Waist: 80cm
Hips: 110cm

Measurements - Week Two
Chest: 95cm
Waist: 77cm
Hips: 105cm
April said:
Hello, hello, hello! I see you keep going in the same steady pace and work very well on that weight loss. I simply love the numbers your exercising shows! Very inspiring! I know very little about your eating behavior. I hope that when you do remember to eat, you eat something healthy. =) Remember, besides the weight loss, you also need to develop healthy habits you can keep up with after you stop using Duromine.

Fingers crossed for the weight in! Wish you a fantastic day!!!

PS. The lazy day is ok. You work so hard every day that you can let yourself having one day once in a while to just relax. ;)

I follow a diet (not strictly) but generally and it is a little under 1200 calories a day. It consists mostly of a smoothie in the morning. Chicken Breast with a salad/ Steak and Salad / Whole grain chicken wrap/ Eggs and salad/ Tuna and Salad or Rice / Ham and Salad / Chicken Breast and Sweet Potato and cooked corn / Cooked carrots and 2 eggs etc etc and in between meals I will have a snack of a piece of fruit. Drink strictly water and water only (2L of water) . No coffee no soft drink no juice. Everything I eat is healthy and I have not cheated or had anything considered "junk food" since I started eating healthy (3 weeks ago. 1 week off duromine where I lost 200g and 2 weeks on duromine)
Bam Bam said:
Hi Weightloss2809,

Your effort is super inspirational! What a fantastic job you're doing. I am looking forward to reading your next update :)

Thank you! I am very happy with my results these past few weeks!! I hope to reach my goal within another 2 months!
Photo Progress Pictures

Week 1 (Before Duromine)

Start Weight was 78kgs
- 0.3kgs
Week 2 - (1st Week Duromine)
Start Weight was 77.7kgs
- 2.6kgs
Week 3 (2nd Week Duromine) -
Start Weight was 75.1kgs
- 2.1kgs

= Weight after 3 weeks is 73.0kgs!!!
Total loss of 4.7kgs on Duromine

Week 1, Week 2, Week 3
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Wow!!! What a difference!!! You can really see how fit you are becoming, and your body is radiating health!! Congratulations and well done on all your hard work!
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Wow there! The progress is fantastic! It’s so cool you made the photos. Everyone, including you, can see the difference and realize your work is paying off. Well done! And congratulations on this inspiring weight loss. 4.7 kg in two weeks – it’s really great! BRAVO!

I am sure you will be able to reach your goal within the next 2 months! Fingers crossed and way to go! Have a great day!
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Wow! Weightloss2809, your photos are amazing! It's always better to see the weight loss results with your own eyes. And I agree with April - with such determination you will easily achieve any goal. You are an inspiration for us!:)
Hello there!!! How are you doing on this lovely day? I hope, you’re doing just great and are working out like crazy (like you always do =)) ) just dropped in to see how it’s going and to wish you a fantastic weekend. May it be active and fun!
April said:
Hello there!!! How are you doing on this lovely day? I hope, you’re doing just great and are working out like crazy (like you always do =)) ) just dropped in to see how it’s going and to wish you a fantastic weekend. May it be active and fun!

Hi April
I'm doing great I feel great. Literally zero side effects from the Duromine is this normal!! everyone seems to have side effects. I have no dry mouth no bursts of energy no sleepless nights nothing it doesn't even feel like I'm taking it!!
I actually just got back from the gym woke up early on my Saturday to make it to the 2 morning classes both 1 hour each! Feel great but a bit sore after that work out. Everything is going great and I hope you have a great weekend too. I will update my stats a little later!!
Hello Weightloss2809! I am so glad you are feeling so well, and I sincerely congratulate you with no side effects from Duromine (though I do remember you mentioned something about faster heart beat). You are one of the lucky people who don’t have any side effects, so you can truly enjoy your Duromine journey. However, there is one warning I must make. I am talking about your water intake those who do get the dry mouth effect, don’t forget to drink more water. They simply can’t stop because of cotton mouth. When it comes to you, you should carefully monitor your water intake. Ok? Please, do so. Dehydration is a bad thing + you need water to let the body cleanse.

Well… it did suppress your appetite, right? If I am not mistaken, you certainly have no more cravings, so that’s the thing Duromine gives you from the obvious effects, and the metabolism boosting effect from the invisible ones helps you lose more in a more intense pace.

If you feel a bit sore after a workout, means you worked you’re a… off! And this is something I like and respect! Hope you did recover and will manage to get into the next workout with the right excited attitude. If you still feel sore, it will take about 10-15 minutes to exercise and your pain will subside. (now this is something from my own experience. When I started exercising and I was sore all over the place, it did help me to exercise to relief the pain). Best of luck and a great new week ahead!

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