Day Fifteen - 28/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: Felt normal. no side effects again. Today I felt a little hungry so I ate an apple then it went away
Exercise: Total exercise for the day was 12,880 Steps, Climbed 18 Floors, Burnt 2,954 Calories.Went to the gym from 6 - 9pm Leg day!!
Sleep: Fell asleep easily at 11pm

Day Sixteen - 1/3/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: No side effects again. Nothing really interesting happened just Uni and work.
Exercise: Total exercise for the day was 10,360 Steps, Climbed 12 Floors, Burnt 2,535 Calories. Didn't go gym today went for a walk.
Sleep: Fell asleep at 12am

Day Seventeen - 2/3/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: Normal day. Felt more tired than usual. Work and Uni same old. Im more busy nowadays
Exercise: Total exercise for the day was 12,154 Steps, Climbed 21 Floors, Burnt 3,092 Calories.Went to the gym for 2.5 hours!
Sleep: Fell asleep at 11pm

Day Eighteen - 3/3/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: Nothing special. Felt the usual. Happy that I'm walking over 10,000 steps a day!
Exercise: Total exercise for the day was 11,251 Steps, Climbed 12 Floors, Burnt 2,751 Calories.Went to the gym today!
Sleep: Fell asleep easily at 11pm

Day Nineteen - 4/3/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: Had to work all day. After work did assignments nothing special. No side effects. Felt the usual
Exercise: Total exercise for the day was 10,725 Steps, Climbed 6 Floors, Burnt 2,633 Calories. Went for a walk with my dog
Sleep: Fell asleep at 12am

Day Twenty - 5/3/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: Went to a birthday party today in Sydney, Luna Park. I felt good went on rides with the birthday boy (boyfriends 12yo brother) I NEVER feel sick on rides but after going on a few i started to feel sick which was weird. Usually I have a high tolerance to rides but I knew I had to stop going on them or id throw up!!!! STRANGE FOR ME!
Exercise: Total exercise for the day was 13,316 Steps, Climbed 37 Floors, Burnt 2,676 Calories. No Gym today walked around all day!
Sleep: Fell asleep at 11pm

Day Twenty-One - 6/3/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: Felt normal. Had to work. All day today I had a weird feeling under my mouth like i was going to throw up (Sorry for TMI) but i didn't but just had the feeling like i was going to especially after gym
Exercise: Total exercise for the day was 10,380 Steps, Climbed 4 Floors, Burnt 2,575 Calories.Went to the gym from 6 - 9pm Leg day!!
Sleep: Fell asleep easily at 11pm

Weigh In - Week Three
Start Weight:
Current Weight: 73.2kgs
Weekly Weight loss: +0.2kgs
Total Weight loss: -4.5kgs

Okay so I was not expecting to gain weight this week. I did a lot of exercise like i literally pushed myself and was very very proud only to step on the scales and see that I had gained. I don't understand... Did my measurement and I seem to have lost some cm which is always good! but not weight

Measurements - End of Week Three
92cm (-3cm)
Waist: 72cm (-5cm)
Hips: 104cm (-1cm)

Progress Picture Week 1 VS Week 4

Yes I did get racing heart but thats gone now! :) I now don't have any side effects. Going to see the doctor tomorrow to speak with him about what i should do regarding duromine. If i should continue on same dosage etc.
My water intake is good I force myself to drink 2+ L of water a day plus when I'm at the gym i drink like 3 bottles anyway!! Yes no more cravings except the other day I had a strange food craving even though i ate normally
And my trainer is good she pushes us hard in the group classes. She makes my body ache but I still push through the ache and try to go as often as i can! group classes are the best!
Hello to you! Oh, ok, I got about the side effects. So NONE! Touch wood, girl, you’re a lucky one! =)) So what did the doctor tell you?

As for your weight gain… Well, I, personally, didn’t have such a week, yet I know that many people have weeks when they stop losing weight at all, or gain up to 500-1000 g. Next week, the weight loss process continues. I saw a picture somewhere on the Internet as to the comparison of 2 kg fat with 2 kg muscles. ESPECIALLY if your measurements do show the difference with the previous week. You work out really well, and we all know it. Besides, there are other things that can affect your weight. You might have been lighter by 1.5 kilos yesterday and see the weight you saw the next day. Your photos show the difference, and I am sure your clothes also tell you quite clearly that you keep losing weight.

So, while searching for that picture, I found another, which, I think, will show you how different weight can look. =) Looking forward to your news and hope you are doing well. Chin up!
The doctor suggested I go on with another month and I got another prescription from him for the 30mg again! And I did hear that muscle is heavier so I'm not so hung up on the weight thing anymore :p and thanks for that pic!! wow thats a lot of fat compared to the muscle ahah!!
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Hey there! Looks like you’re in a fantastic mood and I love that! So you will be pushing for one more month and I am sure you will get where you want to get! No doubts!

Hey, I also wanted you to notice that girl’s abs on the photos. Did you notice that she weighs 6 kg more when she has more defined abs and looks more fit, compared to her 6 kg lighter version? That’s the point. As you start building muscles, your scales might show you the same thing or more, yet your measurements won’t lie. ;)

Have a wonderful day and work it! =)
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Hey, hey, hey!!! Now who’s hiding here? How is your second month on Duromine going? Still working out the same crazy as you did? =)) Wishing you all the best and a lovely lovely day! =)) Take care and write soon. =)
April said:
Hey, hey, hey!!! Now who’s hiding here? How is your second month on Duromine going? Still working out the same crazy as you did? =)) Wishing you all the best and a lovely lovely day! =)) Take care and write soon. =)

Hey I've been off duromine for the past week. Still managed to loose 1 kg while on holiday!! i was expecting some weight gain but I was so shocked I lost weight. I went a little bit off track (you know some ice cream here and there not really watching what I ate but walking about average 15,000 steps!)
I go back on it this month I'm down to 71.4kgs which is a total loss of 6.3Kg!!!!!
Oh wow! 6.3 kg! That is so cool! BRAVO to you! and I am also very happy for you for not gaining any weight during holiday! Very well done with the walking! I guess, you found the thing that really works miracles for you! =))) I am so happy for you, dear!

Have a fantastic weekend and may it be the one that makes you proud for all the effort and healthy eating! Have fun and take care!
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Hi, I live in Brisbane and I wanted to know where you bought them because I do not get anyone here
Hi all

I started Duromine 30mg last week and it has been a crazy experience. I am just thrilled and relieved that I made this far. Because most of the diets that I attempted does not last more than 3 days lol. So I am really am determined and enthusiastic on this one.

I have been overweight turned obese most of my life so I pretty much accepted that its fate. That all changed. My boyfriend is probably the catalyst behind all this, we both want to start a family so I want take responsibility of mental and physical well-being.

I am really excited on this journey so will be posting weekly updates :)

Week 1

Starting weight: 85.6kg
Current weight: 83.5kg
Weight loss: 2.1kg

Goal weight: 55kg
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Congrats on the first weight loss! Way to go, Sarziee! From everything I read about you, seems to me you have a very serious approach to your nutrition and this already is more than half of success! Love your attitude, love the fact that you are starting a new chapter of your life and immediately decided to start it with becoming healthier. Have a great week 2!
Hey April

Thank you very much! It sure doesn't come easy. My boyfriend pretty much go through what I eat everyday, he said he will stop if I hit 20. o_O

Today is Week 2 Day 3, and half a kilo is lost! 5 more days to go, I can't wait for my next weigh-in hahah.

While I am not eating like I was before, I feel like I am eating "just a bit more" than the recommended portion size on the pretext of hunger. This is probably because I don't snack and that I eat 3 main meals every day.
Well, your boyfriend is concerned with your health and that I consider a great plus! Losing weight with support makes a huge difference. I hope that you will engage him into trainings. You can workout together and both increase your fitness level. And have so much fun! =)) Challenges are a great thing.

Happy to hear you’re so excited and motivated to move ahead and push harder. It is so important to keep going all the time.

You know, it is always better to have a healthy snack than to consume more at a time. Besides, I would advise you switch to sloooooow eating. As much as I hate food that cools down on the plate, I still do my best to chew slowly and take smaller bites. It helps so much to lower the amount of food you eat at a meal.
Week 1

Starting weight: 85.6kg
Current weight: 83.5kg
Weight loss: 2.1kg

Week 2

Starting weight: 83.5kg
Current weight: 82.2kg
Weight loss: 1.3kg

I was hoping to achieve a loss of 1.5kilos this week but it just seems impossible. Is it because my body is getting used to Duromine?
Sarziee said:
Week 1

Starting weight: 85.6kg
Current weight: 83.5kg
Weight loss: 2.1kg

Week 2

Starting weight: 83.5kg
Current weight: 82.2kg
Weight loss: 1.3kg

I was hoping to achieve a loss of 1.5kilos this week but it just seems impossible. Is it because my body is getting used to Duromine?

Well done on two successful weeks. Over 3kg in 14 days is amazing to be honest.

Definitely seems that Duromine is working. Weight loss is just far too complex to ensure exact weight loss every week.

As long as you’re still losing then it’s safe to say Duromine is working fine.

You said 1.5kg seems “impossible” but we’re taking about 200g off! you could have that temporarily stored in your bladder or bowels it’s so negligible!

Focus on the collective weight loss you’re doing very, very well!
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Ah, heeey… That is a great weight loss! What’s with self-discouraging? The first week’s loss is always greater due to the fact that you first lose water weight. As a rule, everyone shows a bigger loss in the first week. Besides, your results are really impressive.

You can lose 0.5-1 kg next week, and again 2 kg on your fourth week. It is impossible to see the same loss each week. Our bodies are too complex to run like a clock. Besides, you can lose more in weight in some weeks, and lose more in volumes in other weeks. So measurements also count.. just like the way that your clothes fit. Do not focus solely on weight.

And keep pushing! Lower weight loss should not make you stop or leave the idea of losing weight. You should continue.. only consistency will help you get somewhere. And you can do it!

May this new week bring you a ton of pleasant emotions and lots of fun while exercising! Cheers
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Thank you April and Sk1nnyoneday!

I stopped Duromine as of today as I am experiencing the discomfort of both of my eyes.

Has anyone experienced this? Eye pressure? There were times I have to blink my eyes a couple of times as I thought my vision was blurry. And I I am now sensitive to lights. The worse thing is the headache from the forehead to the back of my neck. I am really worried for my eyesight.
OMG!!! You are so right to stop Duromine. And now you need to get to the doctor. As soon as possible. High intraocular pressure is not good. And seems to me it’s high not just in the eyes… You need a medical check… ophthalmologist for sure.

So sorry that you have this side effect… Did you check your eye pressure ever before? Because, if it was already higher, Duromine could have exacerbated it. Please, if you can, tell us what the doctor says. Good luck to you, Sarizee. Keep my fingers crossed for a temporal pressure increase and fast healing.
April said:
OMG!!! You are so right to stop Duromine. And now you need to get to the doctor. As soon as possible. High intraocular pressure is not good. And seems to me it’s high not just in the eyes… You need a medical check… ophthalmologist for sure.

So sorry that you have this side effect… Did you check your eye pressure ever before? Because, if it was already higher, Duromine could have exacerbated it. Please, if you can, tell us what the doctor says. Good luck to you, Sarizee. Keep my fingers crossed for a temporal pressure increase and fast healing.

I went to my family doctor because it was just unbearable. It has been going on for a week or so. At first, I thought nothing of it. I even told the doctor it probably could be my sinus but he said: "you have it (sinus) all your life, have you ever experience eye discomfort?"

That's when my heart stopped.

He gave me antibiotics eyedrops but he said the safest to see an eye specialist.

You guys carry on the journey. I will be back hopefully!
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Oh no, i hope its nothing too serious and you are back soon!
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