Duromine For Men

Ellen Moran

Ellen Moran


Ellen Moran is an accredited dietitian practitioner on various issues who helps make the basics of nutrition simple and accessible to all. She offers us behavioural changes and specific advice to lead healthy lives and care for our health based on recent scientific advances. She believes and argues scientifically that a healthy lifestyle extends life and makes us happier.

, reviewed by
– Updated November 23, 2021

Duromine is used for weight loss in men with a body mass index of 30 or more who have not lost weight with lifestyle changes.

Duromine suppresses appetite, reduces hunger, and helps to feel full for longer. Duromine is best used in conjunction with a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise as part of an overall weight loss plan.

Duromine and weight loss in men

Anyone can gain weight, but it happens differently for men and women.

In contrast to women, fat deposits in men stay mainly inside the abdominal cavity. The accumulated visceral fat leads to obesity of internal organs, including the heart, liver, and stomach.

Overweight in men is manifested in the following diseases:

gout and diabetes;
hormonal disorders and sexual dysfunction;
cardiovascular diseases;
the musculoskeletal system disorders and many others.

Thus, with Duromine, men burn visceral fat faster by following a diet and increasing daily activity.

Find out more about Duromine in the article

When prescribed, Duromine men use it as a course (over several weeks) to treat obesity. 

This drug works excellently together with diet and sleep regimen, as well as physical activity.

The lower limit of the daily amount of calories should be at least 1500, and if you exercise and move a lot – 2000 to 2300 kcal.

Nutritionists believe that it is unsafe to lose weight very quickly – there is a risk that the body and its systems will not have time to reorganize. In addition, it often happens that quickly lost weight is recruited just as quickly.

So, men’s safe weight loss rate is 0.2-1 kg per week (up to 4 kg per month, twice as fast as for women).

Duromine and men’s health

How does Duromine affect men’s health? When using the drug, less than 1% had short-term problems with libido and erection.

But these symptoms quickly disappeared within 3-7 days during the Duromine treatment course.

The good news: some men had the opposite reaction – an increase in sex drive associated with the release of dihydrotestosterone into the blood.

Most often, men complain of dry mouth or decreased urination. But you can fix this problem by drinking more fluids.

Every medication has side effects, right? But usually, the benefits of taking the medication outweigh the possible unwanted conditions.

Phentermine in Duromine is safe, but it should be taken as indicated. Your doctor should evaluate your condition before prescribing Duromine for you.

On Duromine Forum you can read success stories of men who used Duromine pills for weight loss in the Blog or the thread

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