how long does duromine stay in your system

How long does Duromine stay in your system?

Kathryn Bolton

Kathryn Bolton

APD, Anutr, Diabets, IBS

Kathryn Bolton is a dietitian practitioner. She helps people who care about their health and weight to eat better without saving on pleasure! She provides professional advice on healthy eating. The focus is on nutrition for people with diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome and other diseases. Bachelor’s degree from Queensland University of Technology (Nutrition and Dietetics), member of the Society for Australian Independent Dietitian-Nutritionists (AIDNSoc) and the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA).
, reviewed by
– Updated November 12, 2021

How long does Duromine stay in our body? What influences the process of drug elimination? 

When we decide to take a medication, we often want to get an answer to the following question: “How long will the action of the drug last and when will it be excreted from the body?” After all, you may need to take another medicine at a certain moment, or your health condition may change due to a cold or other reasons. Either way, you need to know how long it will take for Duromine to leave your body.

How long does Duromine take to leave your system

Sometimes, we have to take a test for illegal substances in our body. This may be required at work or when passing a commission before obtaining your driver’s license. When using Duromine, you need to know what to do if you are expected to pass the test.

You can read the stories of people faced with such situations in the forum thread

You can read the stories of people faced with such situations in the forum thread Duromine And Driving?

The half-life of Duromine is 20 hours, that is, if a blood test is taken within 24 hours, then it can be detected. And for another 4 days after the use of this medication, it can be detected in the urine. Before scheduling tests, it is recommended to stop taking the drug about a week in advance. 

What determines the rate of excretion of the active substance? When our body works like a Swiss watch, you can rely on the standard time of the drug elimination. But every second person has a malfunction of the organs responsible for the circulation of enzymes in the body. 

For example, if you digest food more slowly and your body needs more time to break down the foods you consume, then Duromine will be excreted a little longer, as well. If you use diuretics (medicines that help to reduce the amount of water in the body), then the elimination process also goes faster.

How long does Duromine take to kick in

There is no such thing as two same people out there. The same works for the results at the beginning of Duromine use. But they can be averaged. The drug often begins to work within 1-3 days, and sometimes a week. 

Why does someone notice the effect after 1 hour, and me – after 5 days?

The answer to this question is simple: different characteristics of the body. 

As a rule, the best effect is achieved when you take the drug at breakfast time or earlier in the morning. If you do so, the active effect of the drug kicks in at its highest in the afternoon. This is when the gluttony hour in front of the TV usually begins.

Sometimes, you just need to consult with your doctor, who will increase the dose, if you notice no effects whatsoever. Or he can clarify once again the rules for the pills use. Perhaps, you have neglected the advice for using the drug and this has slowed down the effect.

With Duromine, there is no such thing as unsolvable situations or pitfalls. Any unplanned test is fine if you have a prescription with you. 

And keep in mind

that your body decides for itself when to start the weight loss process. So, do not worry if your weight has not changed anyhow the next day after you took the first Duromine pill. There is a time for everything.


Understanding how long Duromine stays in your system is essential for safe and effective use. The drug has a half-life of about 20 hours, with several factors affecting its elimination. It’s detectable in urine for up to 4 days, blood for 24 hours, and hair for up to 90 days. Always follow prescribed dosage and seek medical advice if side effects persist. Remember, Duromine is a short-term solution in a broader weight loss and lifestyle change plan.


8 thoughts on “How long does Duromine stay in your system?”
    • Hi Harper! While staying hydrated is generally good for your health, there isn’t any solid scientific evidence suggesting that drinking water can significantly speed up the process of eliminating Duromine from your system. The drug has a half-life of about 20 hours, and individual metabolism, overall health, and other factors can influence how long it stays in your system. If you have concerns about this, I recommend discussing them with your healthcare provider.

  1. I was recently asked to do a drug test for work and I was worried because I am taking Duromine for weight loss. I guess I should inform them in advance…

    • Hello Jamie! Yes, if you’re undergoing any drug tests while on Duromine, it would be wise to inform the test administrator or your employer about your prescription in advance. This could help avoid any potential misunderstandings due to Duromine showing up on the test. Best of luck! 😊

  2. So, if I got it right, even if I take Duromine early in the morning, it could still affect my sleep because it stays in the system for about 20 hours, right?

    • Yes, Orhan, you’re correct. Duromine’s stimulant effects can last throughout the day due to its half-life of approximately 20 hours. This is why it can potentially impact sleep for some individuals, even when taken in the morning. If you’re having trouble sleeping while on Duromine, consider consulting your doctor to discuss possible solutions.

    • Hi Azumi! Don’t be too concerned just yet. As mentioned in the article, the time it takes for individuals to start seeing weight loss results from Duromine can vary. For some, it begins to work within 1-3 days, while for others it might take up to a week. Remember, weight loss is a gradual process and everyone’s body responds at its own pace. If you continue to see no results after a couple of weeks, consider consulting your healthcare provider. Stay patient and persistent! 💪😊

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