metermine 30mg vs duromine

Metermine vs Duromine

Ellen Moran

Ellen Moran


Ellen Moran is an accredited dietitian practitioner on various issues who helps make the basics of nutrition simple and accessible to all. She offers us behavioural changes and specific advice to lead healthy lives and care for our health based on recent scientific advances. She believes and argues scientifically that a healthy lifestyle extends life and makes us happier.

, reviewed by
– Updated February 9, 2022

What is the difference between these drugs?

You can find a lot of discussions about choosing Metermine vs Duromine on the forum. These two drugs are market leaders being especially popular in Australia. So, what is the difference between these pills? What are the side effects? We have prepared for you all the answers to questions that may arise when immersed in the world of weight loss using medications.

Is Metermine the same as Duromine?

What do you need to know about these drugs? Actually, they have a lot in common.

The two Metermine vs Duromine are manufactured by one pharmaceutical company – iNova Pharmaceuticals (Australia). These tablets have equal dosage as well – 15mg, 30 mg, and 40 mg. As for the composition, both drugs contain Phentermine, the active ingredient in the form of ion-exchange resin.

Duromine or Metermine is prescribed by a doctor to aid in the fight against excess weight in combination with diet and physical activity. They actively help fight appetite and provide energy, which is very helpful in sports.

Metermine is common in Australia, and Duromine, in turn, covers other countries. Thus, many consumers are confused about the Duromine purchasing process and at times it can be difficult to order to another country.

But which seller to trust and how not to stumble upon a fake?

By clicking on the link, you can find out in detail about the purchase, delivery, and price of Duromine.

Difference between Metermine and Duromine

Still, these two drugs are not twins. Their packaging differ. Let’s find out if it is true that is Duromine the same as Metermine?

Duromine capsules are available in plastic bottles or blisters of 7 or 30 pills each. Metermine capsules are available in 30 pieces and only in blisters. What labeling should these drugs have?


A capsule of 15 mg.

Green-gray, with Metermine 15 markings on the lid and body of the capsule.

A capsule of 30 mg.

Gray and reddish-brown, with Metermine 30 markings on the lid and body of the capsule.

Capsule 40 mg.

Gray-orange marked Metermine 40 on the lid and body.


The capsules are available in three dosages, packed 30 capsules each:

15 mg – AUST R 10941

Gray and green with DUROMINE 15 mark

30 mg – AUST R 76680

Gray and reddish-brown with DUROMINE 30 mark

40 mg – AUST R 10942

Gray and orange with DUROMINE 40 mark

The capsules are available in two dosage options, packed 7 capsules each:

15 mg – AUST R 10941

Gray and green with DUROMINE 15 mark

30 mg – AUST R 76680

Gray and reddish-brown with DUROMINE 30 mark

At the same time, the pricing policy of Metermine vs Duromine is slightly different. Metermine is priced lower than Duromine. Both medications appeared immediately on the Australian market and soon became known around the world.

A girl named Kezvan also had to figure out whether is Duromine the same as Metermine. She tells her story in detail here, which you can familiarize yourself with.

Metermine adverse reactions

Unfortunately, every medication has side effects, especially if you neglect the doctor’s prescriptions.

What effects do Metermine buyers most often face with:

 sleep problems;
 increased activity;
 changes in libido;

There are many different stories on the forums. Very often there are people who started their weight loss journey with Metermine 30 mg or Metermine 40 mg.

But after long-term use, some of them developed side effects, and the drug stopped providing the desired result. Therefore, they took the recommended 1-2 month break and returned to Duromine or Metermine, noting that this time the side effects did not cause discomfort and the result from the drug became positive again.

Summing up the characteristics of drugs as well as Duromine and Metermine reviews, we can conclude that the choice is always up to the buyer. Some people choose by price, others by the number of positive reviews. But the main thing is to get the desired result in the safest and most affordable way, isn’t it?


Comprehensive comparison between Metermine and Duromine, two popular weight loss medications. Both contain Phentermine as an active ingredient, making their effectiveness and side effects similar. While Duromine is internationally recognized, Metermine is mainly distributed in Australia. Users are encouraged to consult a healthcare professional to decide which option is most suitable, taking into account factors such as cost, availability, and personal health conditions.


7 thoughts on “Metermine vs Duromine”
  1. My wife is taking metermine and has done so before successfully but this time they are having no affect I think it might be a bad batch what can she do to get her money back or a replacement

  2. A bit confused about one part though, so it says that Metermine and Duromine are basically the same, except the distribution areas and packaging? Has anyone tried both and noticed any significant differences? 👀

    • Hi Warton3576, you got it right! Metermine and Duromine have the same active ingredient, phentermine, and are produced by the same company. Therefore, their effectiveness and side effects are quite similar. The main difference lies in their packaging and distribution areas. Some people may find one brand works better for them due to individual variability, but in general, the experience with either drug should be largely similar.

  3. I’ve been using Duromine for a while now and I’ve seen a great change in my weight loss journey. But now that I know about Metermine, and since it’s cheaper, I might give it a try next time around.

    • Zoe, if you do try Metermine, keep us updated on how it works for you! I have been on Metermine for a few months now and it’s really helped with my appetite. Never tried Duromine though, good to know they’re basically the same.

  4. My doctor was instrumental in guiding me through the process of choosing between Metermine and Duromine. Personalized medical advice is irreplaceable.

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