spianto said:
Hi All
I’m new to this group so just wanted to say hi!
I’m currently 85kg and 159cm tall- my weight has been slowly piling on for a few years and I’ve hit a low point and want to start living a healthier life
My goal weight is 65kg by the end of November so I’d love to hear from people who have managed to do something similar

I have been on this journey for almost 2 years (mostly without Duromine) but when I hit a bump I got a prescriptions. At first it was fast, it's slowed down now to zero, but here are my stats.

Height 187cm (6 foot 1)

Start Weight 147 kg !!!!! Arrrrrh :confused:

The Journey - the important part.
  1. No duromine for 10 months just cut out processed sugar - got to a point of no loss
  2. Got Duromine after 10 months - 2 scripts - stopped after this
  3. Had a lot of stress, stress ate a lot of lollies for some weird reason - no excuses, it was my decision to eat this.
  4. Put on 12 kg
  5. Got 6 session with a dietitian
  6. Got 1 script of duromine - back on track
Current Weight - 109kg

TOTAL LOSS: 38 KG and still going

It's a journey, this is not a miracle cure, what you eat still counts, yes the tablet 100% help with controlling your hunger, so it helps with portion control, but what you eat matter. I am learning more this time around.

Your goal is very achievable, mine felt overwhelming, but I got to my first goal :grinning:

Best of luck on your journey.
Hi, I have started my Duromine journey last Tuesday. I am 160cm tall and currently 90kg, the heaviest I have ever been. No miraculous results for me yet, but hoping and praying to see some soon. I have been sick with sinus since I started, so haven’t felt like exercising, but wanting to get on my treadmill this week. The best thing so far is I am not hungry and not constantly thinking about food, so that is a good start
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Libertyblu said:
Hi, I have started my Duromine journey last Tuesday. I am 160cm tall and currently 90kg, the heaviest I have ever been. No miraculous results for me yet, but hoping and praying to see some soon. I have been sick with sinus since I started, so haven’t felt like exercising, but wanting to get on my treadmill this week. The best thing so far is I am not hungry and not constantly thinking about food, so that is a good start
Hi, deal @Libertyblu. Welcome to the forum. If you don't like exercising at all, I would recommend you walk in the evening, the treadmill is also a good idea. Physical activity is a very important part of the weight loss journey. Duromine works as an appetite suppressant, so it's great that you don't feel hungry.
What mg do you take and what is your final goal?
Libertyblu said:
Hi, I have started my Duromine journey last Tuesday. I am 160cm tall and currently 90kg, the heaviest I have ever been. No miraculous results for me yet, but hoping and praying to see some soon. I have been sick with sinus since I started, so haven’t felt like exercising, but wanting to get on my treadmill this week. The best thing so far is I am not hungry and not constantly thinking about food, so that is a good start
Hey, you are lucky if you don't feel hungry! You shouldn't wait for a miracle, Duro is not a magic pill. Duromine helps you to change your eating habits and start a new healthy life. Follow the diet, exercise and you will achieve great results. Try not to make daily weigh-ins, it would be better if you take measurements and pictures. Wish you a successful weight loss journey!
Crazyme said:
Hey, you are lucky if you don't feel hungry! You shouldn't wait for a miracle, Duro is not a magic pill. Duromine helps you to change your eating habits and start a new healthy life. Follow the diet, exercise and you will achieve great results. Try not to make daily weigh-ins, it would be better if you take measurements and pictures. Wish you a successful weight loss journey!
You are right about measurements. It shows results better than scales. @Libertyblu your weight may fluctuate because of many factors day by day.
Libertyblu said:
Hi, I have started my Duromine journey last Tuesday. I am 160cm tall and currently 90kg, the heaviest I have ever been. No miraculous results for me yet, but hoping and praying to see some soon. I have been sick with sinus since I started, so haven’t felt like exercising, but wanting to get on my treadmill this week. The best thing so far is I am not hungry and not constantly thinking about food, so that is a good start
How are you feeling today?
@Libertyblu, welcome to our friendly community!
Getting here, you'll no longer feel alone during your weight loss journey :sun:
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hi guys, I started today. I'm on 30 mg. Any tricks or ideas to help with my journey
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Jalisto said:
hi guys, I started today. I'm on 30 mg. Any tricks or ideas to help with my journey
Hi, Jalisto! Welcome to the family :innocent:
Is it your first time on Duromine?

My TOP-3 recommendations would be the following:

1. Drink water! (It will speed up your metabolism, decrease the feeling of hunger and minimize any possible side effects you may have on Duromine).
2. Take your pill very early in the morning. You can take it at 5 o'clock, for example, and then go back to sleep.
3. Try to become more active during the day. It would be best if you spent more calories than you eat. Physical activity will also boost your metabolism rate.

I wish you a very successful weight loss journey!:party:
volcom said:
Well as someone else has stated this forum seems to be dead of late. But I think I will journal in here for people who lurk and just for myself.

I went to the dr this morning and asked about Duromine. I will confess I am a bag full of nerves. But I am over feeling the way I am. I am a mum to two little boys aged 1 and 3 ( well almost three). I live in a very rural part of Australia which limits me from places like the gym.

I am not looking to be thin as a rack. I'm not a fan of being too thin, i like curves on a woman. I would like to feel more comfortable about myself, run around with my boys, and feel sexy again. I would love to fit into clothes properly as well.

I would love to be a size 12/14. I do fit into SOME 1 things, but not the way I should be able to. I think i tend to fit into them because I make myself. Any higher than a 16 and I WONT buy it.
One thing I really don't like about my weight are my thunder thighs!!! My thighs are so big I have trouble buying pants! at the moment I live in leggings.

Anyways, i guess i should start with the stats.

CW - 99kg
Height - 164cm ( 5 foot 4)
GW - 70kg
But my first goal weight would be just getting into the 80's or below 95kg, because I haven't been below 95kg in a long time.

anyways i start next week as I have to go into town this weekend to get my prescription. as I said im looking forward to it but full of nerves maybe nerves due to the unexpected or excited i may lose weight finally!!!
Welcome I'm new here to. Day 3 for me
Annah said:
U can do it,as long as u take the pill and doing some activities.it has helped me,i was 92kg and after 15 days im 88kg.I havent seen the changes phyiscally but im already feeling good about myself.im also aiming to lose 25kg.Im just excited,i cant wait really,hope it works out for us,stay positive
Congratulations ❤
Today is day 3 for me. I feel like I have more motivation and that's it. I'm sleeping fine. I havent weighed myself yet I'm waiting for day 9

SW - 107kgs
GW - 77kgs
Would love to chat to anyone who is currently taking duromine we got this!
Sera said:
Today is day 3 for me. I feel like I have more motivation and that's it. I'm sleeping fine. I havent weighed myself yet I'm waiting for day 9

SW - 107kgs
GW - 77kgs
Would love to chat to anyone who is currently taking duromine we got this!
Hi @Sera! Do you experience any side effects? What are you eating?
StacyB said:
Hi @Sera! Do you experience any side effects? What are you eating?
Hey Stacy. I have not had any side effects! Today is day 4 and my hunger levels are still the same. I'm on 30mg. Are you using Duromine?
@Sera, you are lucky. Many people experience different side effects first few days.

I was on Duromine 30 mg last year. The first week I have had insomnia and a dry mouth. All the side effects disappeared by week two. Duromine really suppressed my appetite, so I have started eating less and healthy. In my first months, I have lost 12 amazing kilos. Then I plateaued. Yes, sometimes it happens. I have increased my calorie intake for a few days and it has boosted my metabolism. So, I continued losing weight.

I have lost 30 kg during my weight loss journey. I continue eating healthy and exercising. I eat 5 times a day (3 meals and 2 healthy snacks). I never skip my breakfast, usually, I eat yogurt. My snacks consist of fruits and vegetables.
I am still drinking liters each day. I also suggest you drink lots of water. Water keeps you hydrated, speeds up your metabolism, suppresses your hunger, helps Duromine working better, and even helps you to skip some side effects.

I hope you enjoy your weight loss journey!
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StacyB said:
@Sera, you are lucky. Many people experience different side effects first few days.

I was on Duromine 30 mg last year. The first week I have had insomnia and a dry mouth. All the side effects disappeared by week two. Duromine really suppressed my appetite, so I have started eating less and healthy. In my first months, I have lost 12 amazing kilos. Then I plateaued. Yes, sometimes it happens. I have increased my calorie intake for a few days and it has boosted my metabolism. So, I continued losing weight.

I have lost 30 kg during my weight loss journey. I continue eating healthy and exercising. I eat 5 times a day (3 meals and 2 healthy snacks). I never skip my breakfast, usually, I eat yogurt. My snacks consist of fruits and vegetables.
I am still drinking liters each day. I also suggest you drink lots of water. Water keeps you hydrated, speeds up your metabolism, suppresses your hunger, helps Duromine working better, and even helps you to skip some side effects.

I hope you enjoy your weight loss journey!
Wow! Congratulations thats amazing results. I have been making sure I'm drinking plenty of water as I read about that. Actually I have noticed that my hair is super oily why would that be?
Sera said:
Wow! Congratulations thats amazing results. I have been making sure I'm drinking plenty of water as I read about that. Actually I have noticed that my hair is super oily why would that be?
I think there can be several reasons. The first one is sweating, the second one is connected with your nutrition.
First and foremost, your body needs to get used to the pills. So, you can see some changes in your body or health for the first few weeks (usually, even less).
Also when you change your diet your body also changes. You have new processes in your body. Just make sure that you consume all the nutrients needed for your body and for a healthy weight loss. You need to lose weight in a healthy way in order not to gain it back after you finish taking Duromine. Eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish. Protein is very important for your health.
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Sera said:
Today is day 3 for me. I feel like I have more motivation and that's it. I'm sleeping fine. I havent weighed myself yet I'm waiting for day 9

SW - 107kgs
GW - 77kgs
Would love to chat to anyone who is currently taking duromine we got this!
Hey, @Sera. I'm on day 2 on 30 mg. I need to lose 25 kg. My first day was so energetic. I was full of energy and cleaned the house :joy: No side effects, sleep well. I try to eat healthily but I am hungry sometimes. Maybe I need some time to wait for Duromine to start working. I have downloaded a weight loss app to control my calorie intake. I have read here that I must create a calorie deficit, but it's still difficult to control my eating habits. I want to start exercising at home next week as I don't have enough time for the gym. I try to find some motivation here. I hope you enjoy your weight loss journey.
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Hi @Sera! And welcome to this great Forum!
We all have different bodies and health. It may happen that you will never experience any side effects. And it's totally normal. Your body is still getting used to Duromine, and I think that's why you may have oily hair. I guess it means that Duromine works. And it doesn't mean that something is wrong. That's your body's reaction. That's your personal experience. It is normal not to feel what other people feel.
Keep eating the right food, drinking water, and stay motivated. Motivation is a significant part of your whole weight loss journey. It keeps you staying on track.
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Hi there everyone - newbie here.
I have been on 30mg for 3 weeks now and have lost exactly 1 kilo. Not having insomnia (I can get by on 6 hours mostly), not really any change in my appetite, not crazy thirsty, no side effects at all, I am pretty active during the day - but am at a desk for most of it. What am I doing wrong or should I go for the higher dose? I would like to lose 15 kilos and it's just not shifting (wrong side of 40 hahahaha)

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