Welcome to the forum @Demi_D! I with you a very successful weight loss journey and hope that you will find a Duromine friend, who is on the same phase as you are now. You can look through threads and find those who have joined recently. And you can check out a variety of useful threads, which can help you answer your questions.
For now, I am sure that you know that you should take Duromine as early in the morning, as possible, reduce the amount of food you consume during the day and, of course, increase your physical activity. Since you spend so much time sitting, it's no wonder that the weight piled up.
best of luck!
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Demi_D said:
Hello everybody! I am new here and I am new with Duromine. Just got my pack and not sure where to begin. I did read some threads and see that everyone has a different plan. Could you share how you started. I am not very active and spend lots of hours working at a computer.
Desperately needing to lose 40 kgs to start a new life.
Need your support and advice, please!
Heeey! You're in the right place! Good luck, girl! I myself started a new job almost a year ago and already got a few extra kilos on me (8 in fact sheesh), so I'm here again to get them off of me.
Last time on Duromine I managed to budge the weight and even kept it off quite long. With lower activity though, well, you know. So, I am in search of a good gym and alrwady started going on evening walks. First day just 15 mins for me, and i was sooo exhausted. That's when I realized how low my fitness level dropped again.
I am in my first week, started on Friday to check the side effects during the weekend. Well... sleep was something I was hoping for during the first three days. It's all good now. just the dry mouth and occasional headaches here and there.
I am now walking 35 minutes per day and plan on finding a nice strength home workout during the weekend. My first weigh in's tomorrow morning, fingers crossed i am so terrified!
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Thank you so much! How did your weigh in go? Today's my first day. Took the pill at 6. Been feeling nauseous. Not hungry at all and i feel a headache coming. Can you take anything to get rid of it? Paracetamol maybe?
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Hi @Demi_D , how do you feel? Any changes? Sorry I missed your question about Paracetamol. Did you take? Did it help you?
How did the first five days go overall?
Wish you a great weekend and don't forget that you should focus on your goals and continue keeping to your weight loss program so that you don't bring to nought all efforts that you put into it during the five past days.
Hello everybody! It's been almost two weeks since I started Duromine. Had to take a break in weekend, on day 4 and 5, because I really needed to get some sleep. After that, I resumed the pills and up till now I can't say that I sleep 100% fine, but at least it's more than 3 hours a night. Had headaches a couple of days, but now it's fine.
I have a question, guys. How much water do you have daily? I stopped drinking coffee, and i used to have like 6 cups a day, but the water intake is huge for me now. Some days, I was reaching 5 liters, i believe. Is this normal? By the way, I lost a total of 3.4 kilos up till now. It's not much compared to what I read people losing here. I wonder if I am doing something wrong. Can anyone help me?
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Heeey! I'm off Duromine for now. Will probably start next month, some health issues.sheesh
You know, i think that 3.4 kilos in less than 2 weeks on Duromine is a great result, so don't be upset! You're doing well and keep up the great work! I'll get back to you when i start again and hope on seeing a happy woohooo here :p
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I'm sorry to know that your health is down @8irdy. Nothing serious, I hope. Get well soon!
@Demi_D, I agree with 8irdy, your weight loss is great, we're all different and we all lose weight at a different rate, and yours is far from slow.
As for the water... you should increase the amount you consume while on Duromine. However, consuming too much water might overload your kidneys. Try to stick to not more than 3-4 liters a day. Of course, it depends on your activity and temperature regime outside. Dehydration is never a good thing. Btw, I think it's great that you stopped having so much coffee. You probably had it with sugar? So, it's a huge step towards a better weight loss progress and towards building healthy habits, as well.
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Ah, I though we'll be doing this together. But health always has to be of top importance! Get better and come back sooner! Had a rather nice day today and managed to get some good sleep. FIngers crossed the insomnia is finally gone for good. Loving the feeling of not being attached to food as much as used to be. :blush:
Signed up to the gym today. Staring on monday. Wish me luck! I feel so emarrased exercising, when all those good shaped chicks are around. I feel like everyone will be looking at me and judging. :sob: But i have to do this for my own good.
How's it going Demi_D?
Umm. Not that good. Caught a flu, so had to stop Duromine until I get better. The "good" news is that I have a sore throat and can barely eat, and the bad news is i can't exercise :sob:
these flu-like symptoms may come from Duromine, as well
Hi Everyone. Newbie from Newcastle NSW. Love reading all your amazing journeys and tips you have shared. What a positive community.

Hoping to start my journey soon.

Have a lovely day,

Hello dear @TylerD90210 ,
Welcome to our community! :blush:
Please feel free to ask any questions or share your experience here!
We are always happy to help you :heart:
I wish you a successful weight loss journey :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:
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TylerD90210 said:
Hi Everyone. Newbie from Newcastle NSW. Love reading all your amazing journeys and tips you have shared. What a positive community.

Hoping to start my journey soon.

Have a lovely day,

Hi Tyler!

Glad to see you on the forum!
We've got a very friendly and supportive community here. Wish you enjoy staying with us:sun::heart:

Should you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact me:kissing_heart:
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I'm glad to see new faces here :cool:
This Forum is great :bomb::bomb::bomb: You'll like it @TylerD90210 We all are here with the same problems. We all are here to support each other :kissing:
Hi @TylerD90210 ! Let the journey begins! :cool:
Don't forget to eat healthy meals, exercise, stay positive, and you will surely succeed! :party:
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