Mother of One said:
Wow that does help thanks for that! I can't wait to start it. I want to use it to drop the first 10-15kgs or 2-4 months, not forever, I want to drop the last 10-15kg by myself. I've read about worse side effects, and I'm not too worried, I have my partner to keep my head straight. ;)
I can't wait to get fit and healthy.

You'll definitely achieve the weight loss you want plus an added bonus of enjoying a different relationship with food. Eating for fuel and not for fun. Sound boring and not much fun lol but (if you were like me) food became a prison as I would hide it, sneak it, stuff my face with all the sugary, fatty things I could get my hands on, wonder why I felt awful and stacked on so much weight.

I was on the 30mg Duromine from February to end of May and lost 16kg. This was with no exercise at all. So if you are eating well and exercising, it should fall off ;)

Good luck!
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Wow!! That's amazing. I am exercising I can't wait to start it tomorrow (YUP I finally got my script filled) :laughing: exciting stuff.
Woo Hoo Mother of One... I wish you a super slim figure ( and I wish the same for me too.. hehe)
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Deanna78 said:
Woo Hoo Mother of One... I wish you a super slim figure ( and I wish the same for me too.. hehe)
Hahaha thanks love :)
I wish you the bet too. Keep you up dated. I love this blogging thing!! Helps me keep track of everything too. Xx
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It is good for motivation, but have you noticed how little it is used...?? Whats with that, I say!?!...
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Yeah unfortunately!! Ecuador it's an awesome page to stay annon, and still get help and advice. :).
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Yesterday was my 1st month of being on duromine and here are the results.

SW: 82.7kg
CW: 76.9kg

About a 6kg loss overall. I'm happy with that to be honest.

I still have 5 more pills to take because I've taken breaks on days where I know I'll be eating so what's the point of taking a suppressant?

I'm relieved that my mind isn't thinking about food 100%. I love eating and food so this is a huge change. I've put in more healthy habits - more walking, better choices at breakfast (no more croissants!) in the last 30 days.

What now? Well, I called the doctor who prescribed this and he has moved interstate so I'm not sure if the new doctor will prescribe a 2nd script so we'll see. I understand the risks but the benefits of better able to control your food cravings until you've actually made it a habit is key for me.
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HorrorGirl666 said:
I also took Duromine previously in 2011 and lost 15kg in 10 weeks. Now on my second time and want to lose 20-25 kg. Day one today and I had a horrible headache.
I find water helps when I feel the headache coming on
I'm starting Duromine tomorrow. I've had it sitting in my bag for a week or two now and am finally just going to do it. I've had a month of it before and only lasted 8 days due to no sleep and I'm a shift worker so I wasn't coping.
I have 6 weeks of the same shifts coming up so I think it's the perfect time to do this (this never happens, I'm always only different shifts so this needs to happen now while I can).
I love routine so I'm happy this is my chance to use the duromine.
I'm 70kg and want to get to 60kg.
I'm aware that's not obese but my body is horrible and out of proportion. And I only am getting one month of duromine so I should be able to lose atleast 5kg with this.
I'm planning to take it every weekday and not weekends to give me a break to sleep if possible. That gives me 6 weeks of it. Hopefully I can do this.
I'll write on here every few days on my progress if anyone's interested. :)
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Hi there, good luck.
I've been on duro for 6 days and last night was my first proper nights sleep, so I'm guessing it just took that long for my body to adjust.
Sounds like your planned and all should be fine.
Drink heaps of water!
Good luck, I look forward to following your journey.
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Day 1 :69.5kg (yay I lost 500grams last week just being healthy.)

I took my tablet at 6am. I had to drag myself to workout. I was cold and couldn't be bothered. But once I got started I was on fire. Usually I look at the clock every ten minutes and when I looked it'd been 30 mins. Time flew and I would have gone longer but I had to get ready for work.
I've posted my workout below and it lasted 1 hour and 35 mins.
I don't feel hungry but can kind of feel my tummy grumbling when it's time to eat.
I work arvo shift today and found myself in a filthy mood around 2pm. Everyone was just annoying me. Every little word or noise or loud noise made me want to scream 'STFU' but I didn't thank god lol. I just tried to keep to myself and that helped.
I'm not even 1 day in and want to weigh myself already but I am DETERMINED to give it a full week. I always weigh myself every day or few days when on a health kick.
So I need to keep busy to not touch that scale until next Thursday.
Aiming for 1000-1400 calories a day but for the first week I'm aiming for 750-950 to cut calories quicker while the hunger suppressant is at its peak (I hear hunger comes back abit more after week 1)

15g almonds - 90cal
Protein shake - 146 cal
Salmon, carrots and broccolini - 260 cal
Apple - 70cal
Vita wheats and tuna - 166 cal
= 732 calories
Water 3.5 liters

My Workout
10 min warm up on elliptical
3 x 12 squats
3 x 12 squats holding 6kg kettle bell
2 x 20 lunges
3 x 20 leg lifts (stepping up on table)
10 jump squats
20 calf raises
Elliptical for 1 hour
Total cal burnt= 920 calories (used Fitbit)

I will check in daily or second daily with my day. This is a journal for me to stay accountable and for anyone who's wishes to watch.
My goals are to do this for 44 days (that's how long I can stretch the D without using it weekends)
And to get to 62kg. My ultimate goal weight is 60kg.
Also to stick to a healthy diet everyday and allow MAYBE one cheat meal a week (if I feel like it) and to workout 5 days a week
Day 2

I got home from work at 10:30pm last night and had to be up by 5:30am for work again. I slept 11pm-3:30am then fell back asleep until my alarm at 5:30am. I didn't really feel tired when I woke up. I felt like I had energy to get up for the day (not buzzing just normal).
In between meals I felt a little peckish at times but not exactly hungry. I could have fought the urge to eat but I'm going to make sure I eat small meals 5-6 times a day so I can stay on track when I get off the duromine.
I think that's why people feel so horrible when they get off it because they've eaten next to nothing for so long and have been dehydrated. I drank 4 liters of water yesterday and hope to keep that up. I think maybe because duromine does dehydrate you and get rid of any excess water in the body, that could be the reason we have a dry mouth. So I'm hoping by drinking a lot it will get rid of that dry mouth which could also help with headache. I know headaches happen when dehydrated. And if we are recommended to drink 2 liters of water everyday, if we are taking this drug that strips us of extra water then we should be drinking way more than recommended to keep up with the drug. I could be wrong but I think that sounds right.

I went to the gym after work and burnt 410 calories after an hour of arm strength workouts and 30 mins cardio.
I had a busy day at work so I'm sure I burnt a fair bit there too.

My mood was good most of the day except late afternoon every little noise hurt my ears. I tried to ignore it but it was annoying.

Meals for the day
1. Protein shake - 146 cal
2. 25g almonds and an apple - 211
3. Salmon, carrots and broccolini - 260 cal
4. Banana - 107
5. Protein shake - 184 cal
= 900 calories
Water 4.5 liters

I'm hoping by having a good morning tea and lunch that I can curb the 'sick-lightheaded' feeling. And by staying hydrated.

3 x 15 bicep curls with dumbell 5kg
3 x 12 3kg arm side raises
2 x 10 tricep pull 3 kg each arm
3 x 15 seated back row
2 x 12 shoulder press
3 x 10 arm front raises
3 x 12 shoulder raise (pushing arms up with kettlebell)
10 mins elliptical
20 mins treadmill
= 410 calories burnt (used Fitbit)
I really want to weigh myself but am trying to be strong and last until Thursday morning so it's exactly 1 week :)
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Day 3

I fell asleep around 11, stayed up watching tv with my boyfriend and I had to wake up at 5:30 again for work. I woke up a few times but fell asleep.
I remember when I took duromine last time (for the 12 days I lasted) I stayed up til 2 with no sleep at times. But those days I hadn't worked out. So maybe me being busy at working and going to the gym in the same day has helped use up my energy so I can sleep. Which is a good reason to push me to goto the gym everyday. I've been enjoying my workouts aswell.
I felt good in the morning, good energy and happy mood.
Around lunch I got a little tired and felt a little hungry but I didn't get a lunch break til 2 so after eating I felt better.
No dry mouth at all so far. Last time I had a dry mouth the whole time, I think it's definitely all the water I'm drinking. 4-5 liters sounds like a lot but it definitely helps. I haven't had a headache either.
I went to the gym and while I was 15mins in my boyfriend asked to goto the movies because I go away the next day for 6 weeks and will only see him Sunday's and it was already late so I stopped and went to get ready so I wasn't late. I was abit annoyed as I wanted to workout but I can workout every day after that and I had a really active day at work and walked on my tea breaks so it was fine. At the movies I just got a small Diet Coke and only drank a third of it. This also meant I didn't get my protein shake like usual after the gym and I was abit hungry so lucky I had a small protein bar in my bag so I just ate that.

1. Protein shake
2. Apple and 25g almonds
3. Tuna on vita wheat grain crackers and a lo carb protein bar
4. Carrot and 10g almonds
5. Protein bar (small) + some Diet Coke
Total calories = 877
Water = 4.5 liters

It's the start of day 4 and 7:30am. I woke up at 6am which is normal for me. And realised I left my duromine at my place :( and it's Sunday so I'll just leave it for today and go back to it tomorrow on Monday. I planned to be off duromine on the weekend anyway but was going to just do this weekend because I started on a Thursday. So I will see how that goes. It'll be a challenge as I'm going to stay at a nursing quarters today for 6 weeks (coming home on weekends) as I'm a student nurse and it's my last clinical placement (YAY!) so I hope I can make use of all this time to myself and workout and eat right.

I might try eat 1000 calories today to stop any possible hunger or urges for binging while I'm off duromine for the day. I have a bad history with binging so just going 4 days without it is really good for me.
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Day 4 continued..

I felt fine on day 4 without taking the duromine (accidentally left it at home). I didn't feel hungry at all. I felt a little tired but on a Sunday that's not unusual.
Breakfast was a protein shake.
I packed all my stuff to go away for placement and went shopping with my boyfriend and went to sushi for lunch. Usually I'd have a few plates of sushi which isn't too bad but I chose to just have 2 rice paper wraps (clear sticky wrap things that are low cal) which had just lettuce, cucumber and avocado inside them. No idea how many cals all up but it was healthy.
After rushing around and driving to where I'm staying which took 2 hours and unpacking all my stuff and having multiple trips up and down 4 cases of stairs I was buggered.
I had another shake and went to bed.
I had 3 liters of water today and had no effects.
I felt abit tired and slept from 10-6:20 am

Day 5

It's Monday today and decided to weigh myself.
I weighed in at 66.2kg. Which is a loss of 3.3kg :)
I know a lot of it was just bloating from not enough water and crappy food but I'm proud and can't wait to keep this up. I'll weigh myself again on Friday and just stick to weighing myself every Friday because I always like to do that.
I woke up feeling good, took my tablet at 6:30am.
Went to the gym at 7:30 in the morning and did cardio.
I have 5kg and 3kg dumbells in my room where I'm staying so decided to do my weights in my room as the gym was full and I'd rather take my time and do it in my room as I have all the equipment I need. I felt great in my workout and could have kept going but I want to stay sensible and not overdo it.
Around midday felt a little sleepy. If I was at work it would be fine but because I don't start until 2pm I layed down and rested before work.
At work I felt good. Not buzzed at all just clear minded.
In the morning I do notice that my thoughts are racing. I think the same but I seem to be thinking faster if that makes sense.

1. Celebrity slim rapid shake with skim milk
2. Protein shake
3. Vegetables and protein shake
4. Apple and almonds
5. Tuna and vita wheats
Calories: 964
Water: 4.3 liters

20 mins treadmill
60 mins elliptical
3 x 15 bicep curls 5kg in each arm
4 x 12 side arm raises with 3kg in each arm
3 x 12 tricep pulls with 3kg
2 x 10 tricep dips using chair
3 x12 3kg each arm dumbbell flies
Calories burnt during workout: 1000 calories

The reason I have a lot of shakes is because a while ago they were on sale so I bought heaps! And I enjoy them and I'm a simple person. The protein shake has next to no carbs and lots of protein which keeps me full and helps my body recover after workouts. Also while staying where I am for 6 weeks as a student it's cheap so I'll use them all up of I can. At home I'd probably have a healthy breakfast and just protein after workout and if I am rushing and don't have time to make dinner.
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Day 6

Slept from 9pm-1am then 2:30-345 then slept again until 5:30am. Took my tablet. I didn't feel energized when I woke up but not tired, just normal.
In my workout I felt fine. Not booming with energy but could still get through it (felt normal).
About to goto work and I feel good. Normal but good.
The only effect I've had so far from duromine is interrupted sleep (but not insomnia) and my pupils have been dilated a few times. No other effects.

I'm thinking to stop counting calories tomorrow and see how that goes for a week.
I don't want to count calories forever and I have for years and years and I don't want to. I want to learn balance.
So I'll try make healthy decisions without counting calories because it really does mess with my head at times. I always end up restricting myself too much then go crazy so I need to use this time to learn how to eat like a normal person. I want quick results but I think I need to eat properly and the weight will come off slower but it will be gone long term. I don't want to be happy by restricting myself for weeks and get to my goal weight and then gain half of it back. So let's see how this goes :) I'll still write down what I've eaten so I can look back if I put on weight and adjust it.

Meals for the day
1. Celebrity slim rapid shake with skim milk
2. Protein shake
3. Vegetables, protein shake and 10g almonds
4. Banana and 10g almonds
5. Tuna and vita wheats
Calories: 1002 calories
Water: so far 3.5 liters

35 mins elliptical
30 mins treadmill
3 x 12 squats
3 x 10 squats with 5kg dumbbell
30 (each leg) kick backs
20 each leg side kicks
Calories burnt: 620
Also walked to the shops (had no idea how far they were) ended up being 40 minutes all up.
Well done! Congratulations! You have lost a lot that's great! You have been watching what you eat and a lot of exercises, you are even burning more calories than what you are eating! I wish I could do that! I have been on duro for 3 weeks today but have missed/skipped for 2 days or 3 days here and there. I have taken my 15th pills today and feel a bit jittery do you get that side effect? I started on 27th of July 59 kilos, 5.2 tall and after a week I lost 2.3 kilos then after that I have been on and off and eating a lot of junks when I'm off duro that's probably why I haven't loss much,my bad really I've got 15 days left to take and hoping to lose another 3 kilos my current weight is 56. How long are you planning to take duromine?
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0924 said:
Well done! Congratulations! You have lost a lot that's great! You have been watching what you eat and a lot of exercises, you are even burning more calories than what you are eating! I wish I could do that! I have been on duro for 3 weeks today but have missed/skipped for 2 days or 3 days here and there. I have taken my 15th pills today and feel a bit jittery do you get that side effect? I started on 27th of July 59 kilos, 5.2 tall and after a week I lost 2.3 kilos then after that I have been on and off and eating a lot of junks when I'm off duro that's probably why I haven't loss much,my bad really I've got 15 days left to take and hoping to lose another 3 kilos my current weight is 56. How long are you planning to take duromine?

Thanks :) I'm planning on taking it for another 29 days. As I have 29 tablets left. But I'll be taking weekends off. Everyday I've been going great but I've had a bit of an off day today. Ate some chocolate and just keep craving bad food. But I think I'll eat something nice for dinner (not a binge) just something I'm excited to eat and then I'll get back to it. I've exercised a lot today though so I'm not stressing too much. Just an off day :)
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I'm sure you will fine specially with all the workouts you have been doing! I'm a lazy ass

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